Chapter 25

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You guys have no idea how much I love reading your comments! They literally make my day, and motivate me so much <3 

Anyways, there's a small Hizzie moment in this LONG chapter :)


Hope's pov

"You okay, sweetie? You look a little pale," my mom says to me.

My mom- My mom is talking to me. She is alive and is talking to me.

"I'm fine," I swallow, finally managing to get over the fact that my mom and my dad are... What, exactly? Married? In love? Is this what Freya meant when she talked about her 'youngest brother and his wife' with Caroline back at the school? 

But then what about Kol?

"Mom?" I ask tentatively, "Where's Uncle Kol?" 

My mom pauses mid-walk and turns to look at me.

"Kol?" she says with a puzzled look on her face. "You mean your uncle? Didn't your father move Kol's ashes to the Lafayette Cemetery a couple years ago?"

An empty feeling settles down in my chest. "Uncle Kol is dead?" I ask, not wanting to hear the answer.

"He's been dead for over seventeen years now. According to Klaus, Jeremy Gilbert killed him." my mom says. "Are you sure you're feeling alright, Hope? Why are you suddenly asking questions about a man you've never met before?"

"Hope!" my mom exclaims when I stumble forward and land on the ground. 

At first, I think I'm just feeling unwell at the news that Uncle Kol is dead- or rather, at the news that he was never brought back from the land of the dead by Aunt Davina.

But then, I realize my being ill is due to something else entirely. Sweat pours down my face as a sickening feeling overtakes my stomach.

"Hope, what the hell is wrong with- Oh my god!" my mom says, staring with wide eyes at the black smoke that is exploding out of my eyes, ears, and nose. I begin to cough as the smoke suffocates me. It's making my lungs squeeze tighter and tighter. Tears stream down my face- what is going on?

"I'm going to go get Freya- don't go anywhere," my mom says, as she jumps up and races away using her vampire speed.

Don't go anywhere?

I begin to laugh hysterically. How does she expect me to go anywhere, when my entire body is cramping up as if my limbs are made of stone?

Roughly a minute passes by before I hear the sound of footsteps.

"Dark magic," Freya gasps.

"Dark magic?" my mom asks. "That doesn't make any sense," she continues, "Hope practices dark magic all the time, and it never affects her. The one time it did affect her was when she was-"

"When she was a toddler, yes, I know, Hayley," Aunt Freya snaps. "Phesmatos Tribum Nos Ex Viris," she chants. 

I feel some of the black magic being pulled away from me, but more dark energy swirls around me to replace the amount Freya has made disappear.

"This isn't working- get Vincent," Freya says to my mom. "Have him and some of the witches prepare the Purge room. If any of them refuse, just kill one of them, and that'll scare them enough to listen," she says in a cold voice.

My mom nods and races off.

Aunt Freya turns her attention back to me. "This is going to hurt," she warns me, before beginning to chant her spell again. "Purgo Animum Suo Pura Obscurus," she says in a loud voice. A scream escapes my lips as the dark magic surrounding me begins to fight against Aunt Freya's cleansing spell.

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