Chapter 51

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Lizzie's Pov

I open my eyes. The first thing I see is the cloudy sky. Thunder rumbles in the distance, and rainwater is falling onto my face.

For a moment, I'm confused as to where I am. But then I hear the sound of Fake Hope coughing. And then I remember.

"You psychotic piece of shit!" I scream, and throw myself on top of her. I manage to land a single punch to her jaw before she regains full consciousness. My next punch, she manages to stop quite easily. I muffle a shout of pain as she twists my arm behind my back, and pins me to the cold cement sidewalk.

"Who the hell are you?" I yell, unfazed. "Who are you, and what have you done with Hope?"

She turns me around so that I can see her face.

"Tell me where Hope is! Tell me before I fucking kill you!" I shout, all logical senses having left my mind at the thought that something might have happened to...

No. No, I need to stop thinking like that.

"I swear to god, if you don't-"

I'm met with a hard slap across the face. I'm taken by shock that I don't say anything, giving her just enough time to control her breathing.

"What did you mean before? What did you mean by 'emotional anchor'?" she demands.

"Like I'm going to tell you anything," I laugh in disbelief.

"Listen, darling- As much as I would love to chain you to a wall and torture the bloody answer out of you," she snarls, "I don't think I have any time for such games. So instead," she pulls herself off of me, and vamp-races over to the side.

"Instead- I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse," I hear her say. Grunting with effort, I push myself off the sidewalk, and look to where her voice is coming from.

Oh my god.

"Tell me what you meant by 'emotional anchor', before I rip your mother's heart out!" she yells.

She's holding my mom's unconscious body up by her hair, and has her right hand stuck inside my mom's back. Undoubtedly, her fist is clenched around my mother's beating heart.

My mom wakes up with a gasp, and immediately begins to cough out blood.

"Okay!" I shriek, watching in horror as my mom's blood mixes in with the puddle of rain at her feet. "Okay, okay! The emotional anchor- we figured it out when we landed in the year 2011. You don't get to decide what time it is you land on unless you have an emotional anchor rooting you to that specific year, month, day, and time. It- I guess you can say it's a GPS system for navigating through time! Without it, you're most likely going to get trapped in- in a random year..." I slow down, and finally take a look around the place we've landed in.

To my utmost relief, we're on a sidewalk, with six to seven automobiles parked around us. That means we haven't gone too far back in time, seeing as cars exist. Ten story buildings stand on either sides of the road. Because it's raining, there isn't a single person in sight- Which is a good thing. I don't know what decade we've landed in, but I very much doubt the sight of three girls in 21st century clothing could have brought about any good changes. Not to mention the sight of one of the girls shoving her hand into another girl's back.

"Just let her go! I told you everything I know!" I shout at Fake Hope.

Fake Hope sneers at me, and releases my mom. My mom crumples onto the ground, shaking and shivering from the pain.

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