Chapter 26

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Aunties POV

It was Friday night. We were going to have a lovely family meal together to end the week. I had made sure that we wouldn't be having any alcohol served with it as I didn't want Chelsea to get drunk and ruin it. She had been drinking an awful lot lately, Shane had spoken to Vic and I about it as he was worried, he'd been taking her out on dates recently and she had been begging him to buy wine and he just couldn't say no to her. Shane was coming tonight as well, he'd been helping Vic out at the company, such a lovely boy. I was so happy for Chelsea, so proud that she had chosen such a nice guy to be with, she was so beautiful, she was always going to do well for herself.

He was so in love with her already, wouldn't leave her alone. We saw him every day and her phone was always going off when he wasn't here. He never sleeps over though, far too much of a gentleman to ruin her reputation, not like those awful friends Chelsea used to have, they were always chasing after men. Fortunately Chelsea had the good sense to stay pure and find a wonderful man and he'd managed to help her see what a waste of time those girls are. She never saw any of them anymore which I was glad about.

The company had been making loads of money since Byrons investment, my clever husband had known exactly what to do with the money given. Brooke was gone, she never appeared in any magazines after that stupid fundraiser and Tate was always pictured either on his own or with other women which always made me smile. I had a housekeeper now who cleaned the house properly and cooked good food that actually tasted nice. All in all life was good. I was happy and nothing could ruin that.

Chelsea came downstairs in a short red mini dress looking beautiful as ever, I noticed it was a little loose on her as she'd lost a bit of weight but that always happens when your in a new relationship, the butterflies, being in love, suppresses your appetite. I wasn't worried, if I'm honest she looked better. Her make up was a lot more natural these days so she wasn't as stunning as she usually would be but she did look very pretty she was so naturally beautiful and it's not like she needed to catch anyone's eye it wouldn't surprise me if Shane proposed soon he was besotted!

Everything was so perfect. The only thing that would make this evening better was if Brooke was to leave her miserable life and come begging at our door for somewhere to stay. I would have great satisfaction turning her away to fend for herself on the streets. She turned 18 a few weeks ago so we had no legal responsibility for her at all. What a weight off our shoulders that was. I revelled in her misery. My daydream was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Chelsea was already waiting in the hallway as she always did for Shane, he liked it that way, he was just so excited to see her it was so sweet.

We went to sit at the table whilst Vic had a quick sort through the mail. Shane was being very attentive to Chelsea as usual always at her side showering her with love and making polite conversation with me. We were just laughing at something dumb Chelsea had just said when I heard Vic swearing, something he hasn't done at home since Brooke left. "Lying... worthles... Brat..." He was shouting and mumbling to himself as he came into the dining room holding some opened mail. "What on earth is the matter dear?" I asked him, he looked worried and agitated and it was beginning to concern me, Vic never flapped, especially not in front of me. "She's taken the company, MY COMPANY, the contract, look its all here in black and white, it's been signed over to her. Byron and that ungrateful little wretch screwed us over. WE'RE RUINED!" He shouted whilst thrusting some paperwork in my face and storming out of the house. I excused myself to my bedroom leaving Chelsea and Shane alone so I could process what had just happened.

Chelsea's POV

I was looking through my wardrobe choosing something to wear. I found my red mini dress, Shane hadn't seen me in it yet and I had always been told how good it looked on me and I wanted to look my best. Shane had told me tonight would be a special night and I was really excited, maybe we would finally be together properly, we'd been together 3 months and we were yet to go all the way. He said he wanted it to be special, I wasn't a virgin, hadn't been for a long time and neither was he but he wanted our first time together to be memorable which was really sweet. I was getting worried though because from what my mum taught me was that if you didn't give them all of you straight away they would get bored of you and I really didn't want that to happen. I was head over heels in love with him and I would give him whatever he wanted.

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