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They came out of airport from back gate together. Though that gate is not allowed to be opened for anyone but thanks to the Sarthak's contacts that gate opened only on one request of Mayank.

He saw Sarthak coming towards him and that satisfaction in his body language..... that sukoon on his face is the prove that he found what he was looking for last five years...... his Sanjh.

And besides him, he saw Sanjh walking holding his hand. Mayank and Sanjh were friends from college..... best friends. They spent their two years of college together living their college life with full of fun and zeal. Sanjh who saw her best friend after five years had moist eyes now as all those precious memories started flashing in front of her eyes.

Mayank walk towards them but passing Sarthak he pulled Sanjh in a bone cracking hug and Sanjh reciprocated the hug with same feelings.

Sarthak who was seeing all this lost his smile. "He didn't hugged me this way when I met him after days...... And look at her.... the Sanjh Madam.... She met me after five years......I didn't got this kind of hug the way this Mayank is getting...." He shows his resentment with an angry pout.

"Oooooo Sanjh !! It's been a long time.... who escapes the way you escaped ...... Without informing anyone........ Didn't you miss me ? You have erased me from your memory?" he said breaking hug with Sanjh but still holding her.

"How can someone erase you from their memories...... Huh ? " Sanjh said ignoring his first question but replying the second one.

"You know what.... I need to talk to you.... I need to tell you so much but you.... You acted stupid who just escaped....." Mayank scolded Sanjh.

"No worries at all Best friend. Now I am here..... Standing in front of you. Tell me now....." Sanjh said wiping her tears where Mayank wrapped his arms around her shoulders understanding her emotions.

Sarthak who was just pissed with the fact that Mayank is getting special attention which he wanted from long time. And with their this conversation Sarthak's patience..... the patience of a saint was gone and he popped in their conversation............

"Mr. Mayank I have just returned after a business trip of one week..... And I am your boss so as per your responsibilities you should caught up with me first then others....." Sarthak winced rudely eyeing Sanjh.

"First of all you were on that business trip only from last five days not for one week..." Mayank gave argument while moving towards him "Secondly you are my brother prior to be my boss...! " Mayank said pulling him into a bone cracking hug.

"Don't tell me you still got jealous if a guy is around your Sanjh.... Even if it's me...." Mayank whispered in his ears which he thought only Sarthak heard but Sanjh who was standing only few steps away from them already heard him.........

Her cheeks only took few seconds to became red out of blush. To hide her blush she started walking away from them.

"Ohhhh ! Cut the crab dude....." Sarthak said breaking the hug and giving him a punch in his stomach. Sarthak walked away letting him groan in his fake pain.

"Stop it !! It's overacting now. Come ! Let's go fast....." Sarthak loudly spoke while following Sanjh.

After a small banter finally they got settled in their car. Sarthak and Sanjh on back seat while Mayank on passenger seat. Mayank is not so talkative guy but seeing his best friend after a long time he became extra excited and was continuously blabbering things. Even Sanjh is equally participating.

Firstly, she also met her best friend after a long time and how could she kept quiet. Secondly she doesn't want to know him and Sarthak about the discomfort of being here back in India with those bad memories which were reason for her departure from India.

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