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Mumbai, India

"What do you mean by saying this inspector? This is how police works to help their citizens.... It's been year of complaint..... And you are still standing in front of me empty handed without any information...." Sarthak roared on inspector who is supposed to work on his complaint but is still standing in front of him without any information.

SARTHAK SINGHANIA , the BEST BUSINESS MAN OF THE YEAR. He is 28 with well build muscular body. Those dark black eyes, perfectly gelled hairs, sharp jawline and his stylish dressing sense makes him handsome.

Beyond his looks and physique his good character, charm, intelligence, hard work, career, success and values are the qualities which make him a desirable man for any woman.

"We are trying our best sir. It's easy to trace someone who is missing but it's quite difficult to find someone who left by their own wish....." Inspector patiently argued.

"I don't care...... I want to know where is she ? and the most important Is she okay ? " Sarthak yelled throwing file on table causing the inspector to flinch and soft on latter part.

"You may go inspector..... Next time don't show up without evidences." Mayank said signalling him to leave before Sarthak explode on him.

"Relax Bhai !! " Mayank said offering a glass of water to him to which he nodded in no.

Mayank belongs to a middle class family. They couldn't afford to make him study in expensive college like Sarthak but seeing his capability and intelligence Sarthak took his responsibility and paid his fees, arranged books and necessities to him. When Mayank cleared his graduation Sarthak offered him the job in his company to which he happily agreed. They share a brother like bond. Sarthak has always treated him like a younger brother and Mayank never says no to him. Their coordination, their intelligence, their knowledge has dragged Sarthak's dad's company in list of top 10 businesses companies and Sarthak in the list of top 3 successful business men of India.

"Mayank just wrap up these files.... I am leaving. " Sarthak said getting up and Mayank understanding his feelings didn't bother to stop him.

Sarthak was about to leave when he heard Mayank saying " Bhai please drive calmly.....And please don't drink too much badi maa will not able to see you in such a bad state." Sarthak turned and passed a smile which of course didn't reached Mayank's heart.

Mayank knows him from last eight years. Driving insanely, not coming back to home for hours, keep himself indulge in alcohols.... This is how he behaves when he is not mad, not sad, not in a bad mood.... Just in a mood to leave everything. No one knows where he visits when he feels something like this. Or may be only one person knows where he goes.

Rest of the evening went like this only. Mayank wrap up everything in office and left for his home. He first thought to connect to Sarthak but then he knows he will not pick his calls even though he sees his phone ringing. Because at this moment he needs to clear his mind to look presentable for next day in his family as his family must be waiting for him to celebrate his birthday.


Sarthak was sitting in a dark room with a glass of whisky in his hand. He was starring at a projector screen with moist eyes.................................

He was smiling with moist eyes when a video plays in which he himself was running behind a girl to catch her and put the same cake on her face the way she did to him............................

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