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Flashback continued.............................

"Whaaaatttt ???? " Only word escaped from her lips after listening to other person. Sarthak who was about to confess his feelings got up and stood in front of her.......

"What happen Sanjh..... All okay na ? "  his voice reflected the tension.............

Sanjh who was numb to react didn't utter a single word from her mouth. She started sobing and soon she was crying hard..............

"Sanjh! What happen darling? " He asked taking her shoulders in his hands. Getting no response from her he gently cupped her face in his hands and asked more gently "At least tell me darling...... What happened?"

"Mom-Dad ! They met with an accident. They..... They are hospitalized........." Sanjh said in between her sobs.

"What...? I mean how....? You didn't told me that they were here....?" Sarthak said out of tension.

"I have no idea that they were here. I didn't had word with them since yesterday." Sanjh replied in low voice clenching her hairs in her hands. 

"It's.... It's okay!! Let's go.... Let's rush to hospital...." Sarthak said pulling her in hug and gently rubbing her hairs. Breaking the hug Sarthak started walking but he stopped when he didn't felt her following him.

He turned and saw that Sanjh was still standing there. He took tip toed to her..................

"Nothing is gonna happen baby..... Let's not waste the time and just rush to hospital...... Hmm ? " He said wiping her tears with his thumb.

Sanjh only nodded and begins to walk with him. They took their seats and Sarthak drove to hospital.

After traveling for twenty minutes they reached the hospital. Thanks to the night time ,traffic wasn't the problem at that hour of time.............

They quickly walked inside and saw Utkarsh Kapoor filling some forms at the reception. Sanjh ran to him. Though Sarthak had already heard about him from Sanjh many times but he never got a chance to meet him..........

Utkarsh Kapoor is the childhood friend of Sanjh. Their friendship was the result of good business relations of Mr. Gill and Mr. Kapoor (Utkarsh's father).

"What the hell is all this Utkarsh? Mom dad..... How are they? Where are they and all above all this why they came to Mumbai? " Sanjh showered him with her questions as soon as she saw him.

"Relax Sanjh !! I'll tell you everything....... But who is he ? " Utkarsh said eyeing Sarthak.

"Hi! I am Sarthak.... Her friend. " Sarthak said forwarding his hand for handshake.

"Oh ! I am Utkarsh..... her childhood and best friend...." Utkarsh said smirkingly shaking hand with Sarthak.

Sarthak didn't get a warm welcome of introduction from him. He got some negative vibes from Utkarsh.

"Childhood friend only......" Sanjh corrected Utkarsh while looking at Sarthak. This statement pissed Utkarsh badly but he didn't showed up. "Now tell me what you guys were doing here....... Where are Abhishek and Tanvi? " She said eyeing Utkarsh.

Abhishek is Sanjh's brother and Tanvi is his fiancé (Sanjh's would be sister-in-law).

Sarthak had already met her family (except Utkarsh) a couple of times when they use to visit Sanjh. In first meeting with Utkarsh he can say that there is something wrong with this guy but he didn't have time now to analyze all these things so he just let them go for time being.

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