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Let's take you back to their first conversation...............


On the same day when Sarthak saw Sanjh for the first time. In evening,

Sarthak was passing through a park when he heard someone's giggles. He took few steps to the direction and there he saw the same girl who proposed him in the morning.

He didn't move an inch from his position only to admire her talking to someone on phone................

She was talking happily, smiling, giggling and enjoying her conversation with the person on other side.............

After few minutes she hung up the call. She looked up and a tear escaped from her eyes which was traced by Sarthak even from distance..................

He felt an unknown pain his heart seeing her crying. Without thinking for a second he walked to her and sit besides her on chair.....................

She wiped her tears and just gave a look to him. The place was filled with silence................

"You new here ? " Sarthak questioned her breaking the silence.

"Yeah !! " Sanjh replied without looking at him.

"If you don't mind can I ask you something?" Sarthak questioned looking at her.

"Go ahead ! " Sanjh replied without looking at him.

"You were crying may I know the reason........? " Sarthak said turning to her and taking his one feet under his another knee earning some confused look from Sanjh................

"If you don't mind !! " Sarthak further added while looking straight into her eyes.

Sanjh felt that genuineness..... that sincerity in his eyes... in his words... in his voice. She didn't replied.

Sarthak took her silence as her refusal and was about to leave when he heard her voice and ended only sitting there on the same bench......................

"I don't know about others but I am not happy here without my family. I mean of course I am happy that I got addmission in one of best colleges of India but still..... Family is family...." Sanjh said sadly with teary eyes.

Sarthak understood the reason of her sadness. He lost his parents in an early age. He can understand her emotions..... her feelings at that moment.

"Hmm ! That's true......" in low voice. He wanted to change her mood. He wanted to see that same cheerful and lively Sanjh, the way she was in the morning. An idea struck his mind to bring smile on her face............

"Okay ! Tell me something about your family....." he said pretending to be excited and indeed he is super excited to know about her..... about her family..... about her likings...... about her dislikings..... about her preferences...... about her nature....... In short he wants to know nothing but everything about her.

As soon as Sanjh heard these words from him she felt some curiosity in his words.... in his voice to know about her..... about her family in this unknown town..............

Sanjh became extra excited and blabbered her whole life story in front of Sarthak.... from her family to her graduation in Mumbai away from her family in Punjab. She finished her life story saying............

"So here I am.....(flaunting her hands in air) in Mumbai for my graduation in a rental house without my family and without any friend..... " in low and sad voice.

"So as you are new here and have no friends till now so your Mumbai tour is on me........ " He said politely forwarding his hand for handshake.

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