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Their constant eye contact reminds him the first time he saw her....................................


Sarthak was walking out of parking to his classroom but stand still there when he saw a beautiful girl in yellow kurti with white bottoms and white dupatta walking towards him with a rose in her hand..............

She walked to him and stands in front of him. Sarthak was just lost in her big brown magical eyes.

There was complete silence and their eyes never leaving each other until she begins to say something...............

"I am first year student in this college and today is my first day in this college. Directly coming to the point......." the girl begins to say in her attitude filled voice which seems like music to Sarthak's ears who was just staring at her and she continued.......

"So I just wanted to say that I like you !! " She said straight looking into his eyes to which he gave the most surprised looks.....................

"I know..... We never met..... we didn't know each other...... we never had talks and stuff. And you must need some time to answer. So you take your time.... Think about it, till then just keep this with you............. " She said  passing the rose to him.

Before Sarthak could realize and react to all this the girl was gone away leaving behind a stunned Sarthak standing there like a statue.........

After realizing where he is Sarthak also walked out of parking area when he heard some loud voices coming from a nearby pathway...........................

He turned a bit to look what's going on. There he sees the same girl who proposed him just few minutes ago which surprised him to no end is screaming on some other girl.

She was giving a tough fight to Varsha and gang ,the gang of some spoiled brats of college who torture the freshers......................

But this girl was fiercely giving them back in their way until the some other girl dragged her with her................

"Abbey chal na !! If I wouldn't have class  right now I would have shown you with whom you are screwing up....." the last words that she said to those spoil brats before leaving.

Saying so she left leaving behind a shocked Sarthak. First that proposal and now how fiercely she fought with those spoiled brats.......................

Sarthak wanted to know more about that girl. But he failed to find her in the whole campus................

The girl who marked an unforgettable mark on Sarthak's heart is none other than Sanjh Gill. She is the girl who proposed Sarthak and gave a tough fight to the worst gang of their college.


Sanjh's loud voice brought him back to the world from the day when he saw her for the first time.

"Who is he Olivia ? " Sanjh roared at Olivia angrily even after knowing who is he and for what he is here she tries to act innocent.

"How could you bring anyone in my apartment like this Olivia........." Sanjh continued angrily.

Olivia understanding her situation..... her emotions walked to her and clenched her in arms.

"Relax !! Relax Sanjh !! Relax !! " she tries to calm her. But Sanjh was not in state to relax. She pushed her away.

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