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Sanjh was laying on her bed trying to sleep but failing. Whenever she closes her eyes the angry image of Sarthak when he punched Javier and his rash drive to home flashes in front of her eyes.......

"Don't you dare to mess with my lady ever.........."  his words started echoing in her ears.

She tries to sleep by covering her ears with pillow but it didn't worked. She finally got up and took sitting position.

"What happened..... Not feeling sleeping ? " her angelic figure asks smirkingly. Sanjh shook her head.

"Then go and talk to him. He must be in living room." her angelic figure suggested.

She took few seconds to think upon the suggestion. Getting up from bed she was about to wear her slippers until she heard her devilish figure greeting her teeth.......

"Why the hell you are rushing to talk to him? Have you forgotten how he abandoned you when you needed him the most......" her devilish figure blurted rudely.

Sanjh took her steps back and sat on bed again.

"But he is here now.... Don't forget you are still unaware of his side story....." her angelic figure said some words to calm her and insists her to talk to him.

Sanjh felt a ball of guilt hitting her hard thinking even after so much happenings he is here for whom........ only for her.... only for his love. She didn't even greeted him well when they catch up after five years but what he did...... he saved her from Javier.

"No !! Don't think like that now...... " her devilish figure scolded her for feeling guilty towards him.

"Shut up ! You are thinking right way. You should be guilty for being rude to him. Of course ! he did a mistake by leaving you alone in your bad times.... But did you gave him chance to explain his story..... No ! You didn't. You are also committing the same mistake like him for not thinking about his point of view..... for not greeting him well when he tried to do so......" her angelic figure angrily yelled on her.

"But he is the same guy......... " her devilish figure stopped in between when they saw Sanjh getting up and walking out of the room..............

Sanjh bent herself a bit to have a look what Sarthak is doing in living area from upstairs.

She saw him sitting on sofa..... shirtless. Practically she shouldn't see him like this when she doesn't like his stay in her apartment. But she is forced by her heart for silently drooling over him..... over his charm.... she still have feelings for Sarthak.

Suddenly Sarthak groaned in pain. This brought her back from her mentally drooling over her lover to reality and she saw him blowing air on his shoulder. She tries to see properly but the distance became the obstacle.................

She climbed few stairs and magnifying her eyes she saw some blood on his right shoulder. The same shoulder which he used to break the door at Javier's place.

"Ohhhh No!! He is hurt....." Sanjh said worriedly to herself while covering her mouth with her palm.

Without thinking for a second she rushed to her room. "God knows how he always ended up hurting himself all the time....." she talks to herself on her way.

Hurriedly opening her door she started looking for something in the drawers. For the first second she was looking for something in bedside table drawer and the other second she was looking in drawer of dressing table.

"Ooooo God!! This must happened at the time when he broke door at Javier's place...... This man!!..... He always has to act as if he's the only hero on this Earth...... Huh !!" talks to herself while opening one or the other drawers of room.

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