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It's been two days since the day Sarthak asked Sanjh to move back to India with him. But that scene.... that moment is still fresh in mind and heart of Sanhak.............

Staying under one roof with love feelings for each other.... the task was hard for both of them. But they didn't had a word after that night. They ignored each other.

Their hearts know the pain..... the pain of ignoring your love when you are staying under one roof and your rooms are parted just by a wall.

Sanjh still remember that after saying those words to insist her he left without waiting for her reply. Sanjh was just stunned in her place.....................

She wanted to accompany him but the feeling of getting hurt again is stopping her to accept his proposal............

It's last day for Sarthak to insist her to accompany him to India as tomorrow he will be leaving for India. Presently he is gone for his last meeting in New York.

Sanjh was alone in their apartment since morning and now the urge to see him started hitting her hard. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realize when her thoughts took her to dreams................

After few minutes she woke up with jerk when she saw a horrible dream 'Sarthak leaving her alone again '

"No........." She yelled immediately taking upright position on bed..... heavily panting..... sweat all over her forehead.

She clenched bedsheet in her hands.... looked around and realizes that it was just a dream.....a nightmare for her. She wiped the sweat from her forehead with back of her hand.

She wasn't completely out of her nightmare when she heard the ringing doorbell. For once she thought it's Sarthak and after that nightmare she didn't feel like facing him so she covered herself with duvet and lay down again on bed.

"It's not Sarthak! If it's him.... he would have entered with the help of spare keys." she talks to herself while getting up again. Meanwhile doorbell rang again. She huffed and climbed downstairs to open the door...................

She saw Olivia standing at door through peephole before opening the door. Of course ! Sanjh sensed the tension on her face. She quickly opened the door for her.

"Where were you ? You alright ? I am ringing the doorbell for last five minutes....." Olivia hurriedly spoke out of tension.

"Relax ! I am fine.... " Sanjh said holding her shoulder to which made Olivia to smile and Sanjh let go her out of hold. Her eyes flutters on her hands which were holding two carry bags.

"What is this....? " Sanjh asked eyeing those bags.

"Dinner....." Olivia said flaunting the bags in air.

"This wasn't required....." Sanjh was about to complete when another familiar voice cut off her.....

"Why this wasn't required.....? " A lady in her fifties appeared in front of her.

"Emily Aunty......" Sanjh said excitedly while walking to her and wrapping her arms around her neck.

She is Emily Harrison, Olivia's mom. She has been a motherly support for Sanjh ever since the day she came to New York with Olivia. Emily is someone who understands her.... sometimes more than Olivia. She always tries to boost up Sanjh in her bad moods.

"Look at you Liv. How skinny you made yourself? " Olivia's mom scolded Sanjh earning those melodious giggles after a long time.

"How could I take care of myself alone ! " Sanjh said dramatically but honestly to which Emily sadly smile.

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