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when someone knocked on the door.. niranjana akka went opened it...
A girl with a small boy came inside

Niranjana: hii you !! what you want girl huh? Without permission where are you going huh?

She : Ashwin!!!

We all Stood and looked at the Girl and small boy

Ashwin: you! What you are doing here?

That girl came and hugged Ashwin tighty...I was shocked and confused..
What she next said broken me...

She: I will not leave you now Ashwin.. me and your son..we will live together now...

What I just I heard now!!! My eyes blured..I don't know what to say...I felt my surrounding getting blurred I touched my head and I fainted.....


Asha and pavi held me before I fall..

Asha : Akka!!

Rithika: Sivu you are okay!!

I looked at Ashwin with tears....

Sudharsha: Ashwin who is this girl?

Pugazh: da! Who is she??

Ashwin remained silent...

Sunita: you can't hear properly? We are asking you something da!!

She: I will tell!!!
I'm nakshatra !! I'm Ashwin's wife..

Sudharsha: did we asked you miss??

Nakshatra: You guys asked him..so I replied..

Nir: Miss whatever!! No one is asking you!! We are asking Mr Ashwin!! Not you!! It's better you shut your mouth!!

Rakshan: Macha! What is this da?? Who is she??

Ashwin: I will tell everything!! Please wait guys...

Sudharsha: wait? Give your answer now Damn!!we are not going to wait!! You get that!!! Tell everything now!!

Ashwin: she is friend !

Sunita: friend! Then when why she is claiming herself as your wife huh?

Ashwin: that....

Asha: Niranjana Akka!! Sivu Akka is not opening eyes...

Nir: Sivu!! What happened ?

Ashwin: Sivaangi!!..

Nakshatra was smiled seeing this..

Nir: Pavi bring water to room!! We will take her care to Room...

Pavi went to take water and Niranjana and Asha take sivu to room..they lead her on the bed.. pavi came with water and Niranjana took i.. sprinkle some water on her face...

Ashwin silently begged her to wake up... For what felt time a lifetime,
She slowly fluttered her eyes opened.

Niranjana: "You have to stay down Sivaangi,"
as she tried to sit up.

Sivaangi: "I'm alright Akka,"
she whispered frightened.
I quickly knelt beside her, taking her hand.

Sivaangi: "I'm alright,"

Ashwin:"just take slow breaths for me ma."
I gently wiped her eyes, catching the tears before they fell down her cheeks. I ran my finger along her cheeks..

Ashwin: "How are you feeling ma?"

Sivaangi: "I'm okay now"

I wrapped my arm around her, helping her sit. "

FLAMES OF THE FATE : A TALE OF LOVE ✓ (#2) ( Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now