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When she was serving food on the table..bell rang..

She went opened it..
It was Hari and other officers..

They greeted her and she welcomed them..
She given coffee to all..

Aarushi came running and innocently raised Hands to take her in arms..
She took her and give a kiss on her Both the cheek..

Again Bell rang ...

She went opened..

She scared to see that person at the door step......

Sivu: what you are doing here??

.....: why you are scared of me darling??

That person held my hand tightly..

Sivu: leave me Ishaan!!

Ishaan: I will not leave you...
Shouted at her..

Aaru got scared of this and she started crying..
Hari and other officers came hearing the noise..

Hari: what happened akka?? Hi who are you?? Leave Akka's hand..

Ishaan: who are you??

A pair of hands grabbed Ishaan's collar..
It was Ashwin..
I told to take Aaru inside the room and look after Aaru and siva..

Ashwin: how dare you can touch my wife??
Punched on his face

Ishaan: She is was mine!! You trapped her in your love!!

He heard it and given two punched

Ashwin: Ishaan listen it carefully!! She is mine only!! I warned you last time too and how dare you can touch My son? How dare you??

Ishaan: because he looks like you!! Whatever belongs to you!! I will destroy those things and kill that peoples!!

After hearing this Ashwin started beating him badly..

Sivu: Ashwin leave him!! Please!!

He doesn't listened to me he continued beating Ishaan..
Jo and dev tried to Stop him but failed...if Ashwin gets angry it's difficult to Stop him..

The only way now left is...I went inside the room and took Aaru and siva...
They went hugged Ashwin..
Siva & Aaru: Appa....
The only way to stop him..

Ashwin stopped beating and stood up..

Ashwin: leave from here!! Else you will go in ambulance...

Ishaan Stood up slowly and towards Ashwin...

Ishaan: Because of you!! My life destroyed!! Just remember it I will will not allow you to leave peacefully...

Ashwin: if you tried to do anything..I will kill you!!!

Ishaan smiled evily and left...

He bend down and kissed their forehead..
Ashwin: did you guys scared because of me??

Aaru & siva : no appa!!
You are our superhero Appa..we love you..

Ashwin: I love you too...
Hugged them and placed infinity kisses on their face..

Ashwin looked at Sivu and asked her to take Aaru and siva..
Sivu: Aaru and siva come Here..

Ashwin stood up and walk towards Hari and others

Ashwin: Hari!! Keep a eye on him and jo you will stay here until I Comes..

Hari : okay sir!! He will be under our observation..you don't have to worry..

FLAMES OF THE FATE : A TALE OF LOVE ✓ (#2) ( Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now