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Sivaangi kept on praying all the gods she knew...
She was hugging Aarushi and Sivash tighty...

Aaru: appa will be alright na
Siva: when Appa will play with us..

Sivaangi eyes blured and she caressed their hair and kissed their forehead..

Sivu: Soon

It's More than 4 hours Ashwin OT..
the doors of the opened and the doctors came out.

Everyone rushed to doctor..

Doctor:"We are sorry to say this.we tried our level best but he is no more.."

Sivaangi felt the her world Shattered
She knee down and without any expression, without any crying.. completely silent..
She was a lifeless body...
All her memories started flashing in her eyes in reverse...

She's crying bitterly and Rakshan and everyone was trying their best to console her. But she isn't in the state to listen anyone's words..
She went inside the OT

It hurted a lot to see him lying lifeless in that hospital bed. His smiling and teasing face is dull today. She cried more vigorously.

She felt weak and her legs trembled when she walked near the bed. His eyes were closed and nurses where removing many equipments ...
She sat down near the bed and took his hands and kept it near her eyes. She gently kissed his hands and tears are flowing from her eyes continuously...then placed her head in his chest....
Aarushi and Sivash came inside and lied Ashwin's side and placed their head on Ashwin's chest..

Sivu: Ashwin you promised me na..you will never leave me alone..then what is this? Please Wake up! This not fair Ashwin..who will take care of us?? Aarushi and Sivash needs you..I need you.. please Ashwin!! Don't do it... wake up for us!! You can't leave us like this!!

Siva: Appa!! Wake up!
Aaru: Appa!! We love you!! Please wake up...

Sivu: whomever I love that person left me..why god?? Why ?? What have done?? Did I done something wrong to you..?? Why you are making me suffer like this..did i don't deserve love??
Everyone left me alone!.. first Amma and appa , Anna.. everyone..now you left me..

Please Rakshan anna and sudharsha anna ask your friend to wake up..
Sudharsha anna he is your childhood friend na he will listen to you.. please Ask him to wake up.. please..

Sudharsha: Sivaangi! Control yourself..

Sivu: "Please Ashwin!! I love you!! Please don't leave us alone"

Everyone was emotional seeing this scenario..they didn't want to do..how to console this poor hearts..


"Crime branch officer Mr Ashwin Kumar who was promoted to senior level officer few weeks ago is no more..He died while protecting his Wife and kids..He was very brave officer He solved the case which made terror in the city..
He solved the mysterious cases..
We request everyone to pray for his soul and his family"

Killer crumble the newspaper and throws it the dustbin..

ratsasan theme music🎵.....

He was angry..it was clearly visible in his blood red eyes..

He take out micropipette and put in acid..
He took out acid in micropipette and near it towards her face..
He put acid in her eyes and she screaming in pain...

She was screaming and for him her screaming were music to his ears..

He took a big knife and chop her hands into pieces..
Still he not satisfied..his anger was not reduced
He took out surgical knife and stab in her stomach several times until he satisfied..

FLAMES OF THE FATE : A TALE OF LOVE ✓ (#2) ( Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now