Chapter 1

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January 1st, 20XX'Finally!' I hop off the bus. "Time to sleep!" I mutter to myself. I head home, open the front door, toss my things down on the floor of my room. Removing my uniform, then slipping into way more comfortable clothing. Finally, I lay down in bed, breathing out a deep breath. "Today was way too hard to stay awake. " 'Should I play Persona 5 before I knock out? Well, I already finished both royal and the original. Nah, I'll sleep; I can play later. After all, it is a weekend. As I feel myself drift off into my dreams, I hear a soft voice. 'Huh?'. I slightly open my eyes to see darkness. "How'd it get so dark quick?! There was sunlight a minute ago!". I try to get up but feel my bed leave from under me. "What the-!?". Suddenly free falling, I hear a soft plea. "...You are held captive. A prisoner of fate that has been sealed in advance. This is truly an unjust game... Your chances of winning are almost none. But if my voice is reaching you, there may yet be a possibility open to you... I beg you. Please overcome this game... and save this world, with the trickster. ".'Wait, isn't that-', Suddenly my world went out.

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