A Childish Englishman

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Author's Note: Sorry updates have been infrequent. I've recently been participating a lot in ship events over on Tumblr meaning a lot of my creativity and inspiration has been going to that. Even more recently I've started university which so much more time consuming than I thought it would be. So expect infrequent updates going forward.

This is from a prompt I did over on Tumblr

"No! I don't need it. I'm a nation, one that used to be the most powerful in the world. I can easily overcome a measly cold." As soon as Arthur finished his protest he went into a sneezing fit.

He had woken up with a terrible head cold and as much as he wanted to just curl up in bed, his pride and need to finish up the last of his paperwork had kept him going. Ludwig, who was just as stubborn when it came to getting sick, had spent his morning trying to at least get the Brit to take some medicine and ease some of his symptoms, only to hit a wall.

Ludwig rolled his eyes, handing the Brit a tissue. Though he loved the man dearly, Arthur could be such a child sometimes especially when he was sick.

Once the fit subsided, Arthur brought a hand to his head as he winced. Ludwig felt pity for him, but he reminded himself it was partially the man's fault for refusing to take the medicine. "Take this and you'll feel better," Ludwig said firmly, holding out the medicine bottle.


"Verdammt, Arthur! Nimm einfach die verdammte Medizin oder ich stopf sie dir in den Hals!"

Arthur only crossed his arms, the threat not affecting him in the slightest.

Ludwig's patience had been wearing thin for the past fifteen minutes with this back, but now it was completely lost. Sucking up the right amount of liquid into the oral syringe (since it was the only way of having any hopes of giving medicine to Arthur), he took hold of the Brit's arm with one hand while pushing the syringe into his mouth. Arthur wiggled trying to get loose, but Ludwig was far stronger (at least in the physical aspect) so it was futile.

Arthur was taken aback by the bitter syrup invading his mouth, but he swallowed it down, having enough dignity not to spit it out. His face contorted and he shivered as the medicine went down.

Prepared like always, Ludwig handed him a glass of water to help him wash it down. Arthur took it with a reluctant 'thank you' and downed it.

The German gave him a soft smile, hand combing back the Englishman's bangs before placing a light kiss on his warm forehead. "See," Ludwig quipped, "that wasn't so bad."

"Says you," Arthur grumbled.

Ludwig just shook his head before leading his sick lover to the couch for some much-needed rest.


"Verdammt, Arthur! Nimm einfach die verdammte Medizin oder ich stopf sie dir in den Hals!"-> "Damn it Arthur! Just take the damn medicine or I'll shove it down your throat!"

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