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It was a cold December day and the bi-monthly world meeting had just come to an end. Germany was collecting his files when England approached him. "Some meeting huh?" he stated, leaning against the table beside him.

"You say that as if you didn't have a part to play in that chaos."

"What? Me? Never."

"Don't think I didn't hear you squabbling with Francis about keeping quiet about something. I don't want to pry, but just know, keep such matters out of the meeting."

England opened his mouth to protest, but he couldn't deny that Germany was right. Instead, he decided to make up for his immature behavior. "Fine. How about I treat you to a drink? As an apology of course."

"Okay. But don't overdo it."

After they finished collecting their things, the two bundled up in their coats and made their way out of the meeting hall and into the cold streets of Ottawa. Why the nations keep agreeing to having meetings in Canada during winter was still a mystery. That didn't stop England from complaining though. "Goddammit it's cold," he shivered as he desperately tried to cover his exposed hands with his sleeves.

"Maybe you should have brought some gloves."

"Unfortunately, I left them on the table back home."


"Well there's one," England stated, putting his hands in the pockets of his trench coat, "But one of them has a hole so that won't do much."

All Germany could do was shake his head. "This is why you don't leave at the last minute and check that you have everything before you do so."

The two continued their walk in silence other than England's occasional grumbling. For someone who he could usually rely on to complete the needed work and be productive (most of the time), he sure could be absent-minded and forgetful. Now that he thought about it, England was a strange man. He came off mature, but get him with the right people and he turned into a child. He was well-spoken and proper, but also hot-headed and deep down a punk. Perhaps that's why he found himself spending more and more time with him; to learn more about him. Germany was unable to get his answer as he felt something grab his hand. He turned towards England to find him red-faced, staring intently ahead, his right hand linked with Germany's left. At the realization, his mind fizzled out, his heart began pounding and his face heated up all the way to his ears. When he tried to pull his hand away, England's grip tightened slightly, keeping the hold. "It's cold," was all he said. With the excuse of the cold, Germany accepted the action.Shortly after, it began to snow, leading to more grumbling.

"D-Don't you want a white Christmas?" Germany asked, trying not to stutter or show his nerves."It's almost a whole month away. It can stay away until then. It's cold."

"I suppose that's fair. But there are some positives: hot chocolates, warm blankets, cozy fires-"

"Cuddling," England quietly added though Germany did not hear.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Oh look we're here."

They stopped in front of a small bar that Canada had recommended. It was a cute little place, with a worn brick exterior giving it a classic, vintage look that seemed right up England's alley. As they made their way inside, England released Germany's hand much to the German's disappointment. Sure, the action made him nervous, but it also made him feel light and dizzy in a good way. He shook the empty feeling off as they took their seats and ordered their drinks.It wasn't long before England was flushed and laughing over absolute nonsense. Although it was endearing to see him in such a good mood, Germany understood it was best to leave now before England embarrassed himself.

While the Englishman was busy telling the bartender about his pirate days (in which the bartender probably thought he was either mad or just a good storyteller, both of which were true in Germany's opinion), Germany collected their coats. Growing curious about just how bad the hole in the pocket was and having the idea of possibly fixing it for England, he decided to inspect it. But, to his surprise, there was no whole to inspect. For a solid two minutes, he switched between staring at England and the coat. Did he lie about the hole just to hold his hand? Did he forget his gloves on purpose just to use this excuse?

Germany was pulled out of his thoughts by England stumbling towards him. Though he wanted to know England's true motives, England was drunk and needed to be brought back to their hotel to sober up. There was always tomorrow.

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