In the Dark of the Night

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Based on a prompt for HetaFamily Week over on tumblr

"Arthur," a small voice called from the door.

Instead of waking up the intended person, it was Ludwig who stirred first. "Peter?" He asked, voice still groggy and eyes not quite focused yet. "What's the matter?"

There was no reply other than a few sniffs. The boy could be as stubborn as his big brother sometimes. "Nightmare?" Ludwig tried again.


Ludwig sighed, pushing himself up into a sitting position so he could face Peter. Although he couldn't see well in the dark, he still could make out the small silhouette of Peter, shaking as he stifled a few sobs. "Alright, come here."

Peter shuffled over and Ludwig picked him up, placing the boy between himself and Arthur. Once that was settled, the German pulled the blanket back up to cover himself and Peter. Much to Ludwig's relief, the boy seemed to be calming down. He wasn't shaking anymore, though a few sniffles escaping him showed how upset he still was.

"You know?" Ludwig began, "when I was around your age, I got nightmares too."

"Really?" Peter whispered.

"Yeah. And you know what I did each time?"

Peter shook his head.

"I went straight to my own big brother and would sleep in his bed just like you are right now."

The boy's eyes widened in surprise. How could someone as big and strong as Ludwig be scared and have to go to his big brother?

"Mhm. There's nothing to be ashamed of. We all have nightmares sometimes and you know what makes everything better?"
Peter tilted his head.

"Talking it out followed by a big hug." Ludwig ruffled Peter's hair causing the boy to giggle quietly. "So would you like to try it?"

"Well...I-I don't really remember much...b-but can I still have that hug?"

Ludwig smiled and wrapped an arm around Peter's shoulder. Peter in turn wrapped his arms around the German's waist and squeezed tightly.

"Everything alright?" Arthur's tired voice came.

"Mhm," Peter hummed, not letting go of Ludwig just yet. "I just had a nightmare."

"Is that so? Are you okay now?"

"Yes. I talked it out with Ludwig. He's really nice, you know? You better not break up with him or I'm going to kick your butt."

Ludwig chuckled lightly at the statement earning him a smack from Arthur though it was more playful than angry. "I don't plan on it," Arthur said, side-eyeing his lover.

"Good." Peter let out a big yawn and sank into a laying position. "Because I really like him." Soon enough, the boy was fast asleep.

Arthur turned to Ludwig with a warm smile. "Not good with kids my arse," he teased, hand finding its way to his lover's cheek.

"I get it, I get it," Ludwig huffed, "you were right."

Arthur yawned. "Well...tonights been eventful, better get back to sleep love."

"Mhm." Ludwig took Arthur's hand before letting his eyes slip closed. In no time at all he was fast asleep, feeling quite proud of himself.

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