Frohe Ostern!

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Author's Note: Okay, warning, I'm not completely happy with this since I just wrote it today. I was debating about doing an Easter fic and decided last minute to do one and I have been having some writer's block recently so yeah. Anyway, Happy Easter to those who celebrate and I hope you enjoy this little thing I threw together last minute!


Frohe Ostern = Happy Easter

     The sun was slowly setting behind the town hall of the small town Germany had taken him to in celebration of Easter. England had no idea what to expect going to Germany to celebrate the holiday with his boyfriend, but he was not disappointed.

     They had started the day hanging the eggs they painted the day before on a small tree outside, then they headed back inside to exchange treats. After a filling breakfast of eggs and sausage, the two headed downtown to look at the decorations and colourful display at the fountain. Although his own country had similar traditions such as painting eggs and exchanging/hiding candy, the fountain, decorated in all kinds of flowers and the occasional painted egg thrown in there too was new. However, England had to admit it was nice and even decided to purchase some white roses to add to the display. They spent the rest of the day at the town's small festival, laughing, celebrating, and sampling all kinds of candy.

     But now, it was getting late, and celebrations began to slow down. "I have one more tradition I want to share with you," Germany stated on their way back to his house. Although he was beginning to feel tired from walking around all day, Germany seemed excited so he agreed. Now that he thought about it, there had been a rare glint in the German's eyes all day, making them even brighter than usual alongside a wide smile which was also unusual. Not that he was complaining, he loved seeing him so happy since it seemed so uncommon nowadays. Once they were home, Germany took England's hands and guided him to the backyard where a fire pit was set up. "Technically, the Easter bonfires occurred yesterday, but we kind of got distracted with my bruder's surprise visit so I decided to have our own little fire tonight."

     "Oh love that sounds wonderful. How about I get us some tea and blankets and you light the fire."

     "Sounds like a plan."

     Soon enough, the flames were crackling away and the lovers were snuggled up under a blanket, mugs held tightly in their hands. "I had fun today," England said, laying his head on the other's shoulder.

     "Me too. B-But any time with you is fun."

     Although it was dark, England could tell that Germany was blushing, but he would be lying if he said his own cheeks weren't pink from the comment. As he listened to Germany's steady breath, England's eyes began to slide close.

     Germany turned to find him fast asleep. With a chuckle, he picked England up carefully, not wanting to wake him, and took him to bed. After putting out the fire, he joined the Brit in bed, pulling him against his chest. It didn't take long for him to follow England and fall asleep. It had been one of the best Easters either of them had ever had.

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