QnA (Announcement)

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Hello, the next chapter will be delayed because I have no time as all my class decided to give me tests and quizzes this week (5 tests) I just been having trouble learning all vocab terms in spanish (the accents and pronuncation)

However, it doesn't mean I will do nothing Comment any suggestions you have for this story and I will listen to them and try to fit them into the story. Also, I really wanted to try A QnA meaning you can ask me ANY question of this story and I will answer it (in 3-4 hours) it will be a fun social experiment and help me clear any misconceptions of the story and its plot or characters.

I will be posting the chapter on the weekend (For sure this time) and will try to actually write chapters before my 2-week deadline and not 1-2 days before the deadline. Thanks for listening and reading and I would understand if you are upset with me, I am too.

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