Dance with Fullfilment | Terushima Yuji

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Author's Point of View

Back in Highschool Days, you know Yuji as a Play boy type. And he really is a play boy.

After getting a girls heart days or weeks later he'll dump her for another girl. Thats the cycle of his love life. Not until he met you.

You arrived in his life, unexpectedly. He didnt even asked for you. You just arrived in his life, making twist and turns in his hearts and here he is now. So much inlove with you.

Y/N's Point of View

Its already 6 PM and I am currently washing the dishes while my Husband, Yuji is making our baby boy sleep in his arms as he slowly sway.

After I finished all of my chores, I found Yuji still swaying Yushii because he is still not asleep. I went near them. Yuji look at me and kissed Yushii's forehead before lowering his self a little so i can kiss Yushii too.

He looks at me and held my waist as he kiss my temple.

" I love you. " he whispered to me before continuing to get our baby asleep. Then an Idea popped into my mind so I immediately got my phone and played a music.

Its Cant help falling inlove. I adjusted the sound and made it play loop. I then went into Yuji who is looking at me while smiling. Since he is holding Yushii I held his hips and kiss Yushii's forehead before I look at him. We then slowly swayed at the music, exchanging I love you's and more sweet words. Minutes later, Yushii is now asleep and Yuji put him to his crib before he dragged me outside, in our backyard.

He then got my phone and played our wedding song, Through the Years. He played it loud enough for us to hear and assist me. He held me close by my waist as he put my arms around his neck.

We then dance slowly, not taking our eyes off each other.

All I can say is, I love him so much.

He then hugged me as we both stare at the night sky where the full moon is shining brightly.

Author's Point of View

The couple continued to dance while watching the moon shine brightly until, Yuji kissed his wife's forehead, closing his eyes.

' I love you so so much ' he whispered to her as he hold his wife close to him.

Terushima's Point of View

This is my life. They are my life. My Y/N and my Yushii.

As I look at them while we are dancing while putting our baby to sleep, I am so much inlove with them. I can feel fullfilment all over my body. I already fullfiled my dream when I was young. To be happy and to be free.

I wouldnt trade my family for anything. I didnt promise this, but I am doing this.

' I love you so much, wife, everyday of my life. ' i whispered to her.

Y/N's Point of View

If ever that someone say back then that this is the life I am gonna live, I might not believe them. This life feels so surreal and its like a dream. But I know that with Yuji, everyday of my life will feel Magical and a Dream Come True.

I look at Yuji while we are still dancing. We kissed in the lips, full of love and adoration.

And all I can say,

' I will forever love them, with all my heart all of my life. '


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