He is for Her | Ushijima Wakatoshi

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Author's Point of View

Finally landed in Japan after 10 years of staying in Canada. 10 years ago, you were invited and sponsored to study law there and now, here you are, already a licensed Lawyer.

20 years ago, when someone said to you, someday you will be a lawyer, you wouldnt believe. Actually, you didnt believe in that someone.

That someone who holds a special place in your heart. His name is Ushijima Wakatoshi. He's that someone who told you,

' In the next 20 years, you'll be a lawyer. My Lawyer, I claim it my love '

He belived in you, even when you didnt believe in yourself. He believed, and look where you are now. Being welcomed by your Family holding a banner,

' Welcome Home, Lawyer and Soon to be Prosecutor L/N Y/N. '

You were welcomed with a big smile. Sadly, he's not here.

The one who believed in you. You lost him, while achieving the dreams he claimed for you.


You are now 30 years old, owner of a Law Firm in Miyagi. Where you first started to reach your dream.

Seating in the couch inside your office as you watch the man, the one who believed in you, play his heart out. This is now his last time playing as he is now retiring.

You havent talked to each other since you came back. A lot of questions has been lingering in your mind.

' Is he married? '

' Does he have a family now, thats why he's retiring? '

Those are some of the questions.

You're so focused as he spike the winning point for their team and the last spike he'll do as a Professional Player.

When they announced that his team won, you teared up.

' You did it, my love. '


After his retirement, Ushijima went back to his Hometown. Miyagi Prefecture.

He inhaled a long breathe as his very own plane landed in the National Airport of Miyagi.

' I am back, for good. Hope she is too ' he thought as he walked towards the exit. There he saw his old friends. Even Tendou who is supposed to be in Belgium is there waiting for his arrival along with Eita, who is now a Singer. Reon, Yamagata and even Goshiki is waiting for him.

He is happy to have his friend wait for his arrival. But his heart longs for someone. Someone who he believed and someone who also believed in him.

He knows there is no assurance that they'll get bacl together. But he's taking chances. Thats why he prepared something. Something inside that red velvet box. And he cant wait to give it to her.

" Wakatoshi-kun! "

" Ushijima-san! "

" Ushijima! "

" Wakatoshi! "

Thats all what he heard as his old teammates made a lot of noise inside the airport, shouting his name.

He only nodded at them and asked them to just meet him in where they all meet, in the Shiratorizawa Volleyball Gym.

Thank goodness, its sunday and its open even in weekend because he asked the school to do so. He is still special to Shiratorizawa thats why.

As they arrived in the gym, it all feels nostalgic.

The old Shiratorizawa Team cant help but to tear up as the memories they made from 1st year to 3rd Year came back to their memories.

How they lose but not giving up and how they all reach the top.

For them, even if they can turn back the time, they wouldnt change one thing in their past.

In Ushijima's part, there's a part of him that is hurting. And its his heart. As he stare at the gym, where he and Y/N first met, where he asked Y/N out and where he always see Y/N cheering for her, he cant help but to miss the woman he love dearly.

Because until now, all he think is he is for her.

After playing game to make some memories before they all seperate again, Ushijima decided to drive around when a Familiar Law Firm came to his sight.

' Ushi-L/N Law Firm '

It made him stop and park in the designated parking lot and rush through the firm with the thought,

' She is now back '

When he got into the Lobby, Y/N's sister was there talking to someone. He went to her making her shock.

" Oni-chan " she said as the guy infront of her ask where is her sister. She immediately guide the man into the elevator, pressing the 11th Floor where her sister's office is. She left the elevator leaving Ushijima alone, to face Y/N.

But it doesnt matter to him. All he wants is to see, kiss and hug her again, trusting his gut that she is still single.

When the elevator dinged as a sign that he is already in the top floor, he didnt waste time and got out of the elevator. The whole 11th floor is your Office meaning once you got out of the Elevator, you are already in the office.

As he entered, he saw a shock you who is standing infront of your desk. He didnt waste time and immediately went to you, to kissed you. He held you on your waist as he sat you in your desk not letting go of the kiss. You then kissed him back as you wrap your arms around his neck.

After sometime you both let go, struggling to breath. He then rests his forehead in yours as he look at you in the eyes,

" You're back " he whispered.

" I am love " you replied. He smiled at you then hugged you so tight, lifting you then twirling you as you both laugh, remembering, just like old times.

" I love you " he whispered as you rest your head in his chest as you both are star gazing in your rooftop. You look at him, smiling.

" I love you more " you whispered. He then your left hand that is resting in his chest, kissing it. After that, he held your ring finger.

" This looks empty " he told you, then you felt a cold metal that is in your finger. You look at the thing and you saw a Diamond Ring that you are already wearing. You look at him and he just smiled at you,

" I am not asking baby. You will marry me " he sweetly said to you, kissing you again.

He surely didnt asked her because all his life, he knew...

He is for he is for her, and only for her.

' This time, we'll believe in love until we both can say, we are living the dream we once made together. '


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