Birth | Ushijima Wakatoshi

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Y/N's Point of View

I am slowly walking around the house as i feel some contraction in my belly. And yes, I am pregnant, nearing giving birth to Ushijima Wakatoshi's baby.

" Love, why dont you seat first? " he offered as he just watch me pace around.

" I cant. I want a smooth birth so I just wanna walk till my water bag break. Just like what they always say. " i replied, still walking. I am wearing a pastel purple maternity dress and my hair is in messy bun.

Minutes later, I can feel the contraction worsen and much worse, my water broke. My eyes widen and Wakatoshi Immediately carried me to the Inflatable Pool in the Kitchen that he setted up earlier.

One of the Doctor, who happens to be Yamagata's Fiancé and also my bestfriend came out of the guest room. We asked her to stay with us for the meantime.

Wakatoshi then settled me inside the pool filled with warm water making me feel relieved as the water touch my skin. The Contractions lessen.

" Okay, bessy lets check how dilated are you now. " she said.

" You are still 2cm dilated, we have to wait. " she instructed.

Later on, we heard a car parking infront so Wakatoshi went to check who is it. When they came back, its Kenjiro's wife and also a Midwife. She smiled at me then immediately wash her hand and wore a glove and mask.

Then suddenly I felt another set of contractions making me hiss in pain. Wakatoshi panicked as he sat outside the pool then held my hand as he rest his head into my neck whispering words of comfort.

" You're doing great, love. "

" I am so proud of you. "

" I love you. "

Minutes later, they checked me again and she said,

" You're now 10cm dilated. You ready? " she asked. I nodded.

" Love, please get inside. " I whispered to my husband. He immediately removed his shirt and got inside. He first assist me, removing my maternity dress. He then sat in the back of me as I went in the middle of his legs.

He held on of my hand and the other kept on massaging my belly and back.

" Start pushing now, Mrs ushijima. " she said. I immediately tried.

My tears are now slowly falling as i kept on pushing. My whole upper body hurts.

" Love, remove my bra please. " I beg as I feel the wire of my bra press my sensitive skin. He immediately did it. After that, he kept on kissing my neck that is open infront of him as I rest my head sideways on his shoulder.

" You're doing great love. " he whispered. I know he's also hurting the way I held his hand but he didnt say anything.

" Keep pushing " she instructed so I did even though I feel like I will die anytime.

" I can see your baby's head now so dont give up " she encourage me as Wakatoshi kept on whispering comforting words to me.

I didnt shout or anything. I am much sensitive to noise to I dont want to make one.

" The baby's head is out, just a little more push and your done. " she said making me push a little bit more and I saw our her rush as she carefully lift my baby outside the water. We heard a baby's cry.

" Congrats! Its a girl " she announced. She then gave her to me, making her rest in my chest. The midwife rushed to give a small towel making sure she wont get cold.

I can feel Wakatoshi's nervousness as his hand that is caressing my stomach earlier went to the back of our baby who now has stopped crying.

" Hey there, Princess " he softly whispered.

After a minute, they asked Wakatoshi to cut her umbilical cord which he gladly did. The Pediatrician then got her to me, to check on her. Yeah, I was also shock that Suna's fiancé is now here.

Wakatoshi then got out and dried himself then assist me to get dry and dress. He tied my hair again in a messy but not tight bun. He then carried me to our room. Once my body touched the soft mattress, he lifts up my dress again and he applied some oil in my body. I felt so relieved as the menthol feeling touches my skin.

He then went to me and kissed me, softly.

" Thank you for giving birth. Thank you for taking the pain. I love you and her so so much. " he whispered then he kissed my forehead.

Minutes later, we heared a knock. The door opened and we saw Suna's Fiancé holding our baby. She then went to me and gave her. She immediately left saying that our baby is Healthy.

Wakatoshi closed the door then went beside us. He kissed my temple then his eyes went to our baby who is slowly opening her eyes.

" What should we name her? " i asked as I held her hand. I let her hold my pointing finger and she gripped it making us laugh.

" Nala. Ushijima Nala " he just said, not taking his eyes off to his Princess. I can see his tears falling making me cry too.

Her hair, she got it from her father along with her eyes and nose. Her lips, she got it from me along with her long lashes.

Wakatoshi then held her other hand that is formed into fist and kisses it. I saw her stare at her father in awe. Minutes later, she started crying making him panick.

" Relax, love. She's just hungry " I said as I immediately unbotton my dress and make her latch into my sensitive nipples.

" Do you wanna carry her? " i asked after she fell asleep. He look at me, his eyes filled with excitement with nervousness.

" I can? " he said as he immediately stood up.

" Yes, but remove your shirt so you and her can make a skin to skin contact. " i instructed as I also remove Nala's clothes.

I am a Pedia myself so I know things like this.

" Here. " i said as he almost layed in the bed. He got her into his loving arms, her head is resting in his chest. I can see him tearing up as he kiss her head and whispered I love you over and over again.

I got my phone that is in my side table and captured that sweet moment. He look at me and smiled. He opened his other arms, signing me to come to him.

I went inside his arms. He held me in the waist as I rest my head in his shoulders. I can feel him kiss my head.

" I love you so much baby. Thank you for everything. " he said then he kissed me on my lips again. I smiled at him and said the same thing.

' I love you to the moon and back. Thank you for providing warmth for us. '


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