Little Miss Perfect | Suna Rintarou

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Suna's Point of View

There she is, standing in the end of the Aisle. She's wearing such a Beautiful Dress.

As she starts walking down the Aisle. I remember our first met.


" Uhm, miss... you left your purse in the bence " i tap the girl. When she turns around, I was frozen.

She looks so beautiful. Her Perfect Face. Her Double Eyelids. Her Blue Eyes. Her Long Curled Lashes. Her Pink Soft Lips. Every thing in her looks so perfect.

" Uhm, thank you " she said blushing probably because i was staring at her for too long.

" Ye-yeah.. no problem. " i replied.

" Uhm..I'm Suna..Suna Rintarou " i said as i hand out my hand for a handdhake.

She reached my hand. Shaking it. Its so soft.

" I-i'm Bernice. " she said, blushing.

" Ahm..Are you available right now? " she asked me.

" Ahm..yes.." I replied.

" Perhaps, can we go to that café. Just a form of thank you " she said blushing.

I nodded then i held her hand. I know this might be too fast but i do not care.

All I know is that She's Little Miss Perfect.


She's halfway down the Aisle when she stop where her parents were. They both held her side by side. Then they continued to walk towards where we are.

I can remember our memories together.


" GO RINTAROU! " i can hear her cheering from me in the bleachers. I look to her and gave her a thumbs up.

Bernice. My ever supportive girlfriend. My Little Miss Perfect.

She's always there through my achievements and my downfalls making sure i wasnt hurt and I am okay. She's always taking care of me when I am sick.

" Happy Anniversary Rinrin! " i heard her greet me as I enter the gym. I walk towards her and greeted her back.

" Happy Anniversary to you too, my love " i hugged her so tight. I then kissed her lips making her blush, she really looks so cute. My Little Miss Perfect.

She can literally do anything! She can play a lot of sports, can dance, can sing, can draw, can cook. That's why she's my Little Miss Perfect.

When my parents died, she never left me. She cooked for me. She did the laundry for me. She Comforted me. She never left me.

" Rin. " she called me as we both lay in the grass, watching the stars.

" I love you, Rin " she said,

" I love you too, Bernice. " i said as i hugged her back.

" Forever? " she asked.

" Forever " i said as i kissed her one more time.


I love her so much. She's my first true love. She's right infront of me, smiling. She's crying.

I smiled back at her as they continued walking towards where her groom is.

Osamu Miya. The One who holds and owns my Little Miss Perfect. She's going to be someone's wife now. He's the one who has the right for her. After all, I am just her ex boyfriend and Osamu's Best Man.

Yes, She's not my Bride. I am not her Groom. We're no longer together. Just because of my one night mistake, she slipped away from me.

I cheated on her while she was away, reaching her dreams for our future. She never fails to support me. But just because she cant give me what my desire wants, I cheated on her.

That one night fun cost me to lose my supposed to be forever.

That one night made me lose my little miss perfect.

I watch from a distance as my Bestfriend and my Miss Perfect vowed to each other.

I lost a gem and I will never get it back again.

I lost her.

I lost my little perfect supposed to be forever.

' I'm Happy for them. Ill keep watching them from afar as they build the dream we once made. '

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