Family | Akaashi Keiji

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Y/N's PoV

Alone. I am alone. No Family. No Friends. No one.

How come I am alone?

It all started when Mommy cheated on Dad with her Workmate and Dad's friend, Konoha.

Dad never had a time for me when I was young, and when Mom cheated, he started focusing more on his work and Volleyball. They both tried to fix their marriage but it didnt work so they divorced.

I am the Oldest Child, I have 2 other siblings.

They decided who to get, leaving me with my Grandparents in Miyagi. Keito was with Mom, Keishi was with Dad.

None of them chose me. They dont want me.

Now, I am in College and already in Tokyo. Dad had another Family and Mom too.

They are enjoying their selves while here I am working in 3 jobs just to Sustain myself and be able to Graduate.

In my childhood days, none of them visited me in Miyagi.

Every special occasion, I always waited for them till midnight but they never came.

I heared Dad and Mom are now in good terms. I tried to reach out to them but they never replied nor answer my calls. Specially Dad. I love him so much. So i tried to find him here in tokyo.

And now I found him.

He does acknowledge me as his Daughter. And I am happy because of that.

Thats my only happiness, to be with them.

" Y/N i am so sorry I cant go there, your sister throwed tantrums and I am gonna bring her in Disney Tokyo now. Maybe next time, Y/N. Sorry " my Dad said in the Phone.

I asked him to have lunch with me. I am now officially a Doctor and I want him to know it first. But he cancelled.

As always, he cancelled.

" C-can I go with you? " i silently said, now tearing up.

Until when do I have to beg for my Parents' Attention? Till when do I have to make them give me time?

" I-i am sorry, its just that..." Dad was about to make up another reason just like what he always do when he cant come but i cut him off,

" Okay dad. I'll just go home. Im used to it anyways " i whispered then I ended the call. But I didnt go home. I followed them in Disney Tokyo.

My jealousy burned as I watch them have A Father-Daughter bonding. The kind of bonding we never had. Because my Dad, Akaashi Keiji, is so busy with work.

" Dad! I want that one! " my half sister excitedly shouted making Dad smile.

' Did I ever make you smile like that too, Dad? '

" I love you so so much Dad! " she said to Daddy when he carried her.

" I love you too, Princess " i heared him replied.

I closed my eyes when I hear him say that, Imagining that Dad is telling that to me while carrying me too.

' Until when do I have to imagine you say you love me? When can I really hear you say it to me? '

I went home and cried.

In this big mansion, where it used to be a home for be, just became a house. A living proof that i am alone and I no longer have the family i use to have.

I reached out to both of my Parents when I celebrated my Graduation and when I recieved my license. They gladly attended.

Here i am now, enjoying every moment that I have, spending time with them in the Mansion.

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