chapter 8 explanations and changes

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What do I tell him? I looked over at Sebastian for help and he didn't even look at me.

"Well... you see... umm... I need to tell you the truth," I sighed, "well I don't know how to put this to words, but I was kidnapped by the reapers... again... and I discovered something new," I had paused. What do I say to a twelve year old that is given permission to basically kill people, runs his own company, and has a FREAKING DEMON BUTLER?!

"Spit it out Bella," Ciel commanded. Great now he's getting agitated.

"I am half demon and I have no idea how," I said really quick, I then put my face in my hands and was ashamed. I had lied to my employer, found out I was half and unholy creature and on top of all that I was kidnapped. ALL IN ONE DAY!!!!!!!! Isn't this a great morning to start off work? Ciels eyes widened and he looked at Sebastian as if saying 'is this true?'.

"Yes my lord it is true but you see I couldn't tell at first because her human side masked her demon side," he said  and bowed. Ciel turned toward me again and he looked confused.

"How can you only be half? Hmm... tell me about your parents," he commanded and so this time I hid nothing and spoke honestly.

"My mother and father had me and they weren't married but they loved each other a lot from what I can tell, and my mom left him one night and he never saw her again, I got a phone call once from a woman named.... what was it?..... Angela, I thought she was my mother but she never called again so that was that," Sebastian had an angry face on and I backed up a little not wanting him to try and kill me.

"Sebastian," Ciel called, "I will discuss this with you later, you are dismissed," Sebastian bowed and silently left the room.

"Bella, what was this woman like? Did you meet her in person anywhere?" Great he wants to get to know me better.

"Well... I think we did once but I don't remember, why?"

"Because that woman was killed by Grell Sutcliff, William T. Spears about a year ago,"

"But I had that phone call about two years ago and... oh wait I forgot I am from the future," once again I was so confused I just need to stop thinking starting after this conversation.

"Yes there must have been a way that either she survived or before she died she had an illegitimate child with someone for she was never married,"

Then I was freaking out. "Me,"

"What?" Now he's confused great I have to explain.

"She really is my mother! I am the illegitimate child! And she must have survived AND had a baby! So she's out there right now and doesn't even know that in hundreds of years she will have a baby that half demon! Like her!" Ciel cut me off right there.

"She isn't a demon, she's a fallen angel who had gone insane and after you were born since the father was a human you are a demon," how he knew so much I didn't know nor did I care! I still had a mother and she is in this time period! My happy thoughts were quickly interrupted by a searing pain in my back that felt like I was getting stabbed.

(A/N) sorry for the short chapter plz forgive!!! Later my demons!!

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