2 - Marlboro Cigarettes and Tequila

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"It's likely that I'll never see you again so what exactly is holding me back from kissing you right now?"

"Nothing, absolutely nothing."


"Sooo, are you going to tell me why you smell like alcohol or am I gonna have to let my imagination take over?" Dream asked. At some point in their car ride, the windows were rolled down and the music was lowered to a relaxing hum through the speakers.

George scrunched his nose and looked down at his black hoodie. "A girl bumped into me at a party and spilled her cup all over me." He said. Dream hummed and nodded in understanding before taking a left at an intersection.

"Party? Why is it that you were a few blocks away from it?" Dream asked. George turned his head towards the taller and squinted his eyes. "How'd you know where it was?" He asked.

Dream shrugged and rolled to stop at a red light. "I have a friend who mentioned it." He noted. George nodded it off and turned back to face the road. He had the sudden urge to chew something, like gum or candy, most likely from anxiety. He was having an internal argument with himself about whether or not he should bite his nails, knowing that he shouldn't. The perks of being anxious and being out of cigarettes when you need them most.

Dream seemed to notice the uneasiness and reached over and popped open the glove box. "I have lollipops in there." He pointed to the bag of Tootsie Pops. George gave a small smile before reaching into the bag and pulling a blueberry flavored lollipop.

"Thanks," George muttered before popping the candy into his mouth. Dream nodded and turned onto another road. It was strange. This whole interaction was strange.

George, whilst sitting in this stranger's car, started to contemplate why the hell he actually got in. It was weird. What was weirder was the fact that this guy seemed like a normal person. There weren't any vibes that just gave off human trafficker, kidnapper, or murderer.

"Sooo when you just jumped in my car, did the saying "Don't talk to strangers" just leave your mind?" Dream asked with a slight laugh. George shrugged and pulled the candy out of his mouth and twirled it between his fingers, "If you don't talk to strangers, how are you going to meet anyone new?"

Dream nodded, not having an argument against that claim because he was right, "True." Is all he said. George stuck the lollipop in his mouth again.

Soon, the car pulled into a parking spot at a local gas station. Dream put the car in park and looked over at George before opening the door. "Alright." Is all George hummed before opening his own door. They simultaneously shut them at the same time.

"Hey, how old are you?" George asked before they walked into the building. Dream stopped and turned around. He tilted his head, deciding whether or not he should lie or not. He decided against lying because was George really a threat?

"17, 18 in a few weeks. Why?" Dream asked incredulously. George smiled and looked past him at the beer cans that were displayed in the store's window. "Wanna have a drink with me?" George asked.

Dream's eyes widened, sudden curiosity poked at him. "Are you old enough to buy?" He asked. George shook his head, "No." He simply said before walking past Dream and into the convenience store, leaving Dream standing confused in the parking lot.

George tossed his lollipop stick into the trash near the entrance then wandered through the liquor aisle before letting out a slightly frustrated sigh. He didn't know what to choose. He looked around, scanning the empty space before he spotted Dream standing over by the snacks.

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