34 - Pinkie Pie

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A/N - 5200+ babes; Hope you enjoy, it's been too long smh. Get something to eat and drink, preferably water because I have a sense you guys have not drank water today. Get comfy ly loves.

"I'm in love with him and I don't know what to do."


George woke up mildly exhausted.

That wasn't out of the ordinary. He always woke up tired and has learned to deal with it. He figured that after he got ready he'd just head down to the hotel cafe and get an energy drink from the coolers or something. 

It was currently 6:45 and George had just gotten out of the shower, a towel slung lowly around his waist while shaking a hand towel through his hair to help dry it. He stepped out of the bathroom, the frigid air hitting his skin. He shivered slightly and walked over to his suitcase, pulling out a set of clothes and tossing them on the bed. He grabbed his toothbrush out of his bag and wandered back into the bathroom.

After brushing his teeth and blowdrying his hair dry, George quickly shoved his clothes on and searched for his shoes. He was running late since he was supposed to be downstairs in 5 minutes and he hadn't even gotten his energy drink yet. Shit shit shit. Coach is gonna kill me.

As he was trying to shove on his left shoe, the right clutched his other hand as he hopped over to the table to grab his phone and wallet, there was a knock at the door. He swore again and made it to the door, finally shoving on the one shoe as he opened it. 

"Good morning." Dream greeted from the door, reaching out his hand to hold the door open since George seemed to be struggling with it. One hand trying to get his other shoe on, the other holding the door open awkwardly. George gave a small smile and replied in a rush, "Good morning." before shoving the door open further and spinning around to grab his phone and wallet off the table, as he intended to do earlier.

Dream didn't say anything as he walked through the threshold. George's back still to the other as he searched for his wallet that was nowhere to be found because, apparently, he did not put it on the table. "Sorry, I'm running late." George rushed, looking under the bed. "I didn't sleep well last night and was gonna go downstairs and get a Red Bull or something but now I can't find my wallet." He knelt beside the table, looking under it, and let out a little whoop when he spotted it against the wall under it. He must have tossed it far enough that it slid between the space where the wall and the table meet. "And Coach is gonna kill me because it's 7 right now. He's gonna kill you too-"

George cut himself off when he peeked up from under the desk to see Dream holding two drinks. One a cup of coffee and the other- "Oh my god." George pushed himself up from under the table, shoving his wallet into his pocket with the stupidest smile on his face, "You're amazing." Is all he said, taking the can of Red Bull from the other before pressing a soft kiss to Dream's cheek for emphasis on how amazing he was.

Dream hummed and nodded, wrapping his arm around George's waist and pulling him into a hug, "I know." He said with a smile against the side of George's head. "Figured you'd need a pick me up." George smiled up at the other, admiring the way he was looking at him, even if he didn't quite know what it meant. "You're so sweet. Thank you." 

Dream gave a soft smile, "Mmhm." George pressed another kiss to Dream's cheek before reluctantly pulling himself out of his arms and over to the bedside table where his room key was. When he took it out of his phone case, he couldn't remember. "You ready for today?" George asked, putting the key back in his phone case and cracking the can of Red Bull open.

Dream shrugged and walked with George to the door, "As ready as I'll ever be." he said, obviously nervous. George figured he would be too. Probably the reason why he didn't play. Dream pulled open the door before George could even reach for the handle and held it open.

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