12 - Perfectly Infatuated

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"You're George?!"
"Holy shit, you're really pretty"


There's one thing you have to know about Nick Fires, other than the fact that he hates tomatoes, is that he's extremely persuasive when trying to convince you to do something you absolutely do not want to do. Whether it's doing his homework, giving him the aux, or throwing a huge beginning of the year party at your house.

"I told you a million times, Sap, I'm not throwing a party at my house this weekend." George sighed, sifting through his locker in search of a water bottle. The other groaned out of protest behind him, "Why not, George? It's our senior year, the last year of high school. Everyone expects you to throw a party, you know."

George sighs, grabbing his water bottle and shutting his locker with a soft click of the lock. I don't give a shit about what others expect from me if what he wanted to say, wanted to believe, but even George knows he can't. Because it's not true. So, instead, he turned to face his best friend and asked, "Why don't you just throw one at your house?" with his back leaning against the cold metal of the lockers.

Sanap rolled his eyes, "You know why. My parents are why. Besides, your house is bigger and your parents are so chill and barely home." he defended, the last part squeezed something in George's chest. He ignored it, like he usually does. He shoved it back and down into a place he didn't want to visit for the time being. "I really don't want to, man." George sighed, getting slightly frustrated.

Sapnap had always been like that; pushy, overbearing. He doesn't really realize it, though. And nobody calls him out on it. Usually, George doesn't mind it because he'll forget it in a few hours but this conflict has been going on for days. It's Thursday and he's been trying to convince George to throw a party since Monday. At this point, he knows Sapnap won't let go of the subject.

"I'll buy all the shit, you won't even need to do anything!" Sapnap tried negotiating. George scowled, "If you clean up afterward, I'll consider it." He negotiated, and damn him for giving in so easily. Sapnap's smile beamed and a hand clapped on George's shoulder a little harder than it was intended. "What do I have to do to convince you to say yes?" He asks.

George rolls his eyes and glares at his best friend, "Just let me think about it and stop asking." He sighs, shrugging Sapnaps hand off his shoulder. Nick smiles and George just huffs. "Where's Alex?" George asks, trying to push the subject away while glancing down the packed hallway for their friend. 

Nick shrugs and adjusts his backpack on his shoulder. "I don't know. I'm sure we'll hear him in a few minutes." He dismissed, and George nods because it's true.  It's like putting a bell on a cat, except for Alex it's his voice (not in a bad way).

George fiddles with his phone, turning it on and off every couple of seconds as Nick starts talking to him about football practice. After George got Dream's number (albeit not very discreetly) they've been texting quite frequently. And yeah, George knows he said that he didn't want anything to do with Dream, but god he couldn't help that he just fit. 

And he couldn't help it that his heart and head didn't listen to each other. It's like a constant battle and George really can't help the fact that his heart stutters whenever he sees Dream or that his stomach flutters whenever he gets a text notification and there's a possibility that Dream's name is going to be read on the notification screen.

Dream was like a missing puzzle, if that made sense. He understood George, and he was the only person that knew his deepest secret, and he didn't give a shit. They may have been talking for less than a week, but George can't help the way his and Dream's chemistry is just... you know? And god he hated that he felt that way because just couldn't. He was entertaining these ideas and fantasy's that just could not happen. He was a guy. George couldn't have these feelings about him, it wasn't right. What would his parents think? What would everyone else think? He couldn't even fathom the idea. And god damn it, they just truly met. But holy fuck, if this was what it's like to truly like someone, platonically or not, George was ultimately screwed.

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