3 - Stunning, Pretty, Beautiful

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"Well, this feels like deja vu"


"I hope I didn't, like, interrupt any of your plans for tonight." George wondered, staring at the newly opened bottle of liquor that was held between his thighs. Dream shrugged and opened his bag of chips, extending it towards George, "It's alright."

"Oh? So you did have plans?" George mused. He reached over and grabbed a small hand full of chips out of the bag. Dream nodded with an amused smile. "Well yeah. I don't just leave at like 2 am to just drive around." He laughed, throwing a potato chip in his mouth.

"I was going to the gas station to load up on snacks then drive down then steal my Uncle's beer before driving to the beach to watch the sunrise," Dream explained. George nodded and tilted his head to the side like a puppy. He took a short drag, exhaling the smoke over his right shoulder.

"You were going to do that alone?" George asked, tossing the cigarette into the sand and putting it out with the heel of his shoe. Dream nodded and took a drag of his cigarette, "Yeah, it's more relaxing that way. Besides, my one friend in this town was at a party."

"Ah, my bad." George laughed, assuming it was his party. He was probably one of the only teenagers who threw high school parties, so he had a valid reason for it. "So, what about you? I know you were at a party that was being thrown at your house, did you just abandon the scene?" Dream asked.

George shook his head and absent-mindedly scanned the bottle's writing, mostly trying to avoid Dream's gaze. He hated how his heart would skip a beat whenever they made eye contact, he didn't like that it was happening towards a complete stranger, and he really queried the idea of it being a guy. George put the idea off as it just being a handsome guy looking at him. Nothing more, nothing less.

"My friends are watching over it or whatever, making sure the cops don't get involved and stuff," George said. "You trust them with your house?" Dream asked, genuinely curious. 

The shorter hesitated to answer and furrowed his eyebrows. He frowned and cringing slightly at the memory of Nick and Alex getting chased by cops down their street after being caught with weed at a party. "Maybe I shouldn't have left the house to them." George mumbled. 

Dream chuckled and took one last drag of his cigarette before throwing it into the sand, just how George did, and snuffing it out. "So, you dragged me here to drink," Dream gestured to the bottle that George had yet to drink from.

"I dragged you?" George mused. Dream nodded with a deadpanned expression, "Yeah, you promised me alcohol." George scrunched up his nose and shook his head, "I don't remember promising anything," he laughed.

"Oh? Alright, let's see. If I leave now I'll make it to the beach in maybe an hour, and a half" Dream mumbled, looking at his nonexistent watch that was supposedly worn on his wrist. George scoffed and looked at the bottle again with a sense of uncertainty.

"Fine fine." He grumbled. Dream laughed and leaned on his elbows that were propped on his legs. He swung gently back and forth, "You were so adamant on getting it, why aren't you drinking it?" Dream asked. 

George shrugged and looked up, his eyes reluctantly catching Dreams. Dream held the gaze, unbothered by the sudden eye contact that George was oh so desperately trying to avoid. The gold flakes in his eyes seemed to brighten from the dim park lights, making it even more difficult to break the contact.

"I'm debating if I actually want to get drunk with a stranger, that's why I'm hesitating." George teased. Dream gave a knowing smile and threw a chip in his mouth, "So now you're aware that you're with a complete stranger, in an empty park in the middle of the night, and you're avoiding your phone meaning you're probably avoiding someone which means that they most likely don't know where you are?"

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