18 - Adrenaline or Dopamine (Probably both)

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A/N - Oh goddd 7000+ chapter ahh I'm sorrryyy. It's fun tho, I think yall are gonna love it. So, without a further ado....grab something to drink, a blanket, a few snacks, and get somewhere so comfy it'll but clouds to shame my loves.

"And where, might I ask, are you going to take me?" 

 "Wherever the night takes us."


When George walked onto the football field, he was immediately flagged down by Coach Barnes. Dream was with the others in the locker room changing. In all reality, they were just building up the anticipation until they ran out onto the field where cheers from the stands were louder than the music playing on the speakers. The football team had a habit of favoring the dramatics.

George set down his water bottle onto the metal bench and folded his jacket over the back of the bench before waking his way towards Coach Barnes. He exhaled through his nose and glanced at the stands.

It was absolutely packed. Nearly every student was present, which was as per usual for the first game, and all the other game's after that. Football season was the most popular than any of the sports, and George couldn't help but find it extremely stereotypically cliché.

The cheerleaders were stretching off to the side, and George didn't miss the wave Aubrey sent his way. He ignored it, and instead smiled at Niki, who unsurprisingly wore a varsity football letterman with Minx's number on it. The blonde smiled back before returning to stretching drills.

"You excited?" Coach Barne asked George. He nodded and gave a big smile, "Of course, are you?" The Coach nodded and glanced down at his clipboard that had play's scribbled down on it. "Slightly nervous, but I think our boys got it. As long as we win this game, we'll be set." He confirmed, and it seemed like he was trying to reassure himself more than George. George wasn't that nervous, but he was a little antsy because of all the people and how big the game was in general. To the team, and to the school.

The game is supposed to start at 6, and it was currently 5:45 which gave the team enough time to hype each other up in the locker room and run out onto their home field as if they owned it. And, knowing Sapnap and Quackity, they were probably yelling at everyone at the top of their lungs a whole bunch of manly yet encouraging bullshit. Or probably just bullshit to make the others laugh and ease the stress.

George sighed and squinted at the late afternoon sun that was on the borderline of setting. It was hot, but soon it would cook once the sun was hidden behind the bleachers. Shade does wonders for morale.

George fished his phone out of his pocket when he felt it ringing. He answered with a sigh, "Yes Alex?" 

"George! My man! My main man!"

George rolled his eyes and checked his watch. 5:50. "What do you want Alex?"

There was shuffling and a pause, "Uh, so like, when does the game start again?" He asked. 

"6. Why? Oh god, what did you do?"

"Nothing! I didn't do anything!"

George pinched the bridge of his nose, "Okay, what did someone else do?"

"Well, uh, so like" a pause, shouting, then "Minx and Schlatt, they were wresting, you know, hyping up for the game, and uh" a pause, and George already started walking off the field towards the locker room. "Well, they sort of wrestled over a bench, broke the bench, and I think Minx may have broke Schaltt's nose."

George's eyes widened, his footsteps quickening. He opened the chainlink fence and rushed past the students walking towards the bleachers, "I'm sorry, what?"

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