27 - Forget-me-not

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A/N - 5200+ babes, get sum to eat, a snack, a meal, idfc just get something slut. Enjoy my loves, sorry for the really late update <3

"You're not gonna leave me too, right? You're going to stay?" 

"Promise- promise me you won't leave me like everyone else."


"You know, Regina kind of reminds me of someone," George says, stretching his legs out in front of him. The sun has nearly finished setting, faint rays of orange and pink shone through the blinds. Valerie yawned, her hands balled into fists that rubbed the sleep in her eyes. Dream's head was slumped over onto the other's shoulder, asleep. Soft snores puffed out of his slightly parted lips onto the fabric of George's- Dream's- hoodie. George couldn't help but run an idle hand through the blond hair, his nails scraping softly against his scalp. So soft.

"What time is it?" Val asked, stretching her aching bones in front of her. George checked his phone, "Almost 7." She hummed and glanced towards the door, "Visiting hour is almost over." She says, a sort of solemn in her voice. George nods, his fingers now prodding and poking Dream's head to try and wake him as gently as he was capable of. He just groaned in protest, digging his nose into the fabric of the hoodie. George let out an audible sigh.

"He can sleep," Valerie said, her eyes soft and cracked, "Camilla will kick him out whenever she comes and gives me my last set of meds for the night." She sighed, her hands falling heavy in her lap, the laptop pushed somewhere onto the bedside table.

"I know he doesn't sleep much, so it's refreshing to see it." Valerie says with another yawn. She's tired. George doesn't miss how her eyelids are drooping. They glance every so often at the door, waiting for it to open so she can finally just go to bed without being woken up and stuck with a needle and pills being shoved down her throat. George's heart ached for her, for Dream.

"Thank you for coming today, George." She said, and it was then that George realized he hasn't really talked. Valerie didn't seem to mind. "I've been wanting to meet the guy who swept my brother off his feet." She says with a smile, soft and genuine and all too sweet. Too sweet for a person who is quite literally fighting for their life with every breath they take.

George scoffs, "Funny." Valerie nods, "I'm hilarious. I know." She says, brushing off her comment as a pure joke. She wasn't kidding, but she could tell that George and Dream were in a phase that she didn't want to directly interfere with. She just shut her mouth, wrote it off as her sleep-deprived mind's humor, and slumped further into the pillows of her bed.

George glanced over to the window, to the flowers in the crystal vase that sat on the wooden table. He smiled faintly, admiring the beautiful red color of the petals. "Do you like flowers?" He asked, dragging his gaze towards Valerie. Dream stayed asleep on his shoulder.

She hummed, glanced over at the cut flowers, and shrugged. "They're pretty," she says softly, "but it pains me to watch them wither and die in a vase." George nodded in understanding. He felt the same. Valerie flipped onto her side, her head nestled into the white sheets, "I like plants, though. Potted ones. I used to have a ton before..." she trailed off, her bright hazel eyes staring at the fresh flowers in the vase. 

George looked at the flowers as well, wondering how long they'd last before the petals were falling off, shriveling into lifelessness. "Why don't you tell them that?" He asks. Valerie shrugged, the sound of shifting sheets was the only indication of it, "They do so much as it is. I don't want to complain."

George scoffed, his fingers now trailing the back of the blond's neck. The touch caused the other to shift, his face buried into George's neck and hair. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind." Valerie sighed, "It's okay," she blinked, slow and long, "they're pretty."

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