29 - Warm

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A/N - 3300+ babes; Just a cute little short chapter for you guys. Get comfy my loves. And sum to eat and drink <3

"I had a cat when I was younger,"


George squinted his eyes open.

He sat up in his bed, blinking slowly. He stretched his arms above his head, yawning. Where am I?  He looked over next to him to see the bed was empty. He frowned.

George cracked his neck impulsively and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He didn't remember falling asleep last night. Actually, he didn't even remember being upstairs last night. The last thing George remembered was him and Dream watching a movie in the living room after they cleaned up the kitchen. George grabbed his phone to check the time. 9am. 

He pressed his feet to the plush carpet, his eyes still squinted against the light shining through the shutters he'd forgotten to shut. Where's Dream? George stumbled over to his bathroom half awake. He flicked the light on. He turned the faucet on, pointedly avoiding his reflection. He brushed his teeth. Splashed his face with cold water. Shut the light off and left.

His door creaked as he pulled it open, his head peeking into the hall for any sign of Dream. Maybe he went home. George crossed his arms over his chest, trying to keep himself warm because he felt freezing cold. Even with the AC blasting. It must be a cold day out because he never felt this way unless the weather was chilly. He quietly stepped down the stairs, his stomach leading its way to the kitchen. 

George stopped in his tracks the moment he stepped into the kitchen. Dream did not go home, it seems. He actually was in the kitchen with a crate of eggs on the counter, along with some fruit they'd gotten yesterday. Shirtless. George swallowed.

Dream was humming, a spatula in one of his hands, a bowl pouring, what George assumed was eggs, into a skillet with the other. George padded quietly up to Dream. He leaned his forehead against Dream's bare back. Warm

The other startled only slightly, his head looking over his shoulder at George who was really only half awake. He was so cold, and Dream was just so warm. "Good morning," Dream chuckled. His voice was deep and harsh against the frigid morning air. George's cheeks heated despite it. Oh my god someone please spare me.

George hummed, his eyes shut closed. "Whatcha making?" he asked half asleep, feeling perfectly content against the warmth of Dream's skin. Dream's arms were working at the stove. The muscles of his back and shoulders flickered and shifted with every movement, with every flip of the spatula. "Scrambled eggs. You hungry?"

George nodded, his cold hands warming on Dream's back. They were sprawled around the small of the taller back, right above the waistline of his pants. The other jumped a the touch. Probably because George's fingers were cold as ice. George mumbled a half-assed apology.

"You're warm," George mumbled, letting Dream's heat seep into his skin straight to his bones. Dream hummed, flipped the eggs, "You're cold." George only hummed "Mhmm" in response. "Tired," he yawned against his back.

Dream nodded and set the spatula down. He turned around, forcing George's head to lift and his fingers to slide around the other's back, now residing on his lowers stomach. Dream didn't hesitate to close his arms around the other, engulfing George in a warm, warm hug. George nearly melted right there on the spot. Nearly seeped into the kitchen tile and grout.

"You're cute when you're tired." Dream smiled, pressing a soft kiss to George's hair. The other shrugged, not finding the energy to shoot some sort of retort back. Instead, he sank further into Dream's arms, nearly letting his legs give out so the other could just hold him. Dream just squeezed him tighter, letting one arm go to tend to the eggs so they didn't burn.

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