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A/N - 8100+ babes; Sorry it took so long. This chapter is a rollercoaster of emotions honestly LMAO. Get a snack, something to drink, and a comfy spot to read<3

"I hadn't looked back up at the stars in years until I met you."


George stopped looking forward to his birthday by the time he turned 10 years old. 

He didn't necessarily have happy memories, most of the time he'd be sent off to stay with his grandparents in France because his parents had work and couldn't leave him alone for prolonged periods of time that young. Once he was 13, though, was deemed reasonable.

Don't get him wrong, he loved his grandparents and had fond memories of France but he just never liked his birthday. Maybe it was because it was supposed to be the one day of the year that was supposed to be about himself, and yet his parents still made it about their work. Moreover, he just didn't have good memories of his birthday. 

But now.
Now, he thinks he just made one.

"You did not." Was the first thing he said when Dream's fingers caught around his wrists and pulled them free from his face. By the time they had parked and George got out of the car, Dream had ordered George to close his eyes until they got to this harrowing surprise.

"How," George just stared at the blankets. "When," his eyes caught on the little basket off to the side. "Wh-," he was just sputtering now. Mumbling and confused. His heart felt like it was melting. Burning. Molten. 

There was a full-blown little picnic in a clearing on a hill his legs remember having to hike up blind.

Dream just shrugged and tugged George towards the setting, his fingers still wrapped around George's wrist. "It didn't take me too long." He started, pulling George down with him so that they were sitting on the blanket. George just stared at the strawberries and blueberries in the basket in a glassware container. "I had already planned to do something for your birthday the minute I learned of it." George grabbed a bottle of red Gatorade out of the basket and stared at it. It was his favorite flavor. He didn't tell anybody that. Nobody knew that.

"I had gone to the store this morning while you were asleep and bought the food and packed it." Dream was still talking, and George was half listening. His head felt like it was going to explode from dopamine and serotonin overdose. Too many feelings were flowing through his neurotransmitters. He was feeling all too much in so little time that his mind and body didn't have time to recoup. He could barely think past the burning behind his eyelids.

"While you were showering I set this up." Dream said, his fingers flattening a piece of blanket bumped up by the grass. George turned his head and stared at him. Dream swallowed thickly, seeming slightly nervous for George's reaction. He saw the tears pooling in George's eyes and started panicking, "Hey,"

"You did this for me?" George cut in thickly, his voice cracking at the ends. Dream paused, his fingers inches away from cupping George's face and whipping the tears from his face. George wanted to break the distance and lean into his palm. He didn't. He just stared at Dream and wondered. 

Wondered what the hell he did to somehow have this human being in his life. He knew he didn't earn it, and definitely didn't deserve it.

"You," George could feel the warmth run down his cheek. He thought he cried out enough tears to last a lifetime. He was surprised that he wasn't heavily dehydrated and on the verge of death. "You did this," he sniffed. He couldn't remember the last time someone did something this sweet for him. This...intimate. Romantic, even. It threw him for a loop. "You did this for me," George said it again more clearly, his fist clenched on his thighs. 

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