20 - You With Me?

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A/N - 6000+ Chapt my loves. Get comfy. Grab a snack or something to eat, and get in a comfy and cool spot where you'll be uninterrupted. Sorry for the update delay babes <3

"Don't you have other friends' houses you can break into?"

"Technically, you let me in."


Valerie woke up to the sound of crinkling bags and the tap of metal on her bedside table.

She blinked open, squinting at the light that shone through the cracked blinds of the hospital room. "Camila?" Valerie mumbled, bringing a hand to shield her eyes from the sun. She was so tired.

The other huffed, "Nope."

Her eyes shot open and her head lifted to look at her brother that stood with his laptop under his arm and a bag of snacks laid out on the table, a few drinks as well. "Clay?"

Dream smiled "The one and only." Valerie beamed, her smile reacher her eyes for the first time in days. Days? Has it been days? She'd lost count. Days had blurred into weeks, and into months. She feels as if she's been asleep for weeks, yet hasn't slept enough. She was so tired, and in so much pain. She propped her aching body up further in the hospital bed, her IV snagging on the sheets.

"Hey," Dream said softly, helping prop up her pillows. Valerie sighed and sent a glare to her brother, "What the hell dude? I haven't seen you in days!" She said, slightly pissed off. Because if Valerie was anything, she was the absolute opposite of Dream. She was frank, didn't hold back and said everything that was on her mind. She'd also always had this weird form of anger in her heart, and it only grew hotter since she was diagnosed. Angry at the world, angry at her body. But, it was Valerie, and she just took nobody's bullshit, not even cancers.

Dream scoffed, "Yeah yeah, I know. School."

Valerie narrowed her eyes with a pointed look of her tired hazel eyes, "Bullshit. Spill. It's written all over your face." She sighs, stretching her arms weakly in front of her. She hated how the chemo had weakened her entire body so fast. She despised the fact she could barely even get out of bed without help. 

Dream sighed, "It's nothing." Valerie huffed and stared her brother down. "Does it have to do with- hm, what was his name? Greg? Jorge? Juan? Oh! George! It was George!" She clasped her hands together with a smile as she leaned further into her pillows, her back aching for relief. Her head pounded with a headache.

Dream scoffed, paused, then pulled up a chair and plopped down into it, "How obvious was I?" He sighed, a fist propping up his chin. Valerie shrugged, "Oh, I dunno. When you spend the last month and something receiving either good or bad news, you tend to read people a bit better. Besides," she swallowed, her tongue feeling awfully dry and cracked, "you look refreshingly happier."

And that was the ultimate truth. Dream had changed when he got the call to go to the hospital. Valerie would never forget his face when he saw her in a hospital gown, an iv in her arm, and the doctors talking to their parents. She would never forget Dream's face as they told him her diagnosis. He changed, and certainly not for the better. 

He got quiet. His spark started fading. Smiles became less frequent and absent. He was so absent. But, he was always by Valerie's side. The day she had to go through her first round of chemotherapy, he was there holding her hand. At the beginning of when her hair started to fall out he was there. He was there when she wanted him to shave her head because she just couldn't stand taking showers and just having clumps of hair fill her hands. He was there, clippers and all, but mentally, he was always somewhere else.

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