21 - I Can't Stay Away From You

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A/N - It's been a bit, 6000+ babes. Get some popcorn (hehe), wear a comfy oversized hoodie, and read in a cool dark place my loves.

"I'm so tired"


"Oh god," George whispered, his blanket pulled up to his chin, the bowl of popcorn now left half-empty clutched in his hands. The girl on the screen was investigating a sound she heard in the basement, "she's an idiot."

Dream snorted from his side of the bed and grabbed a handful of popcorn. Without missing a beat, just as the door to the haunted basement opened, he threw popcorn pieces at the tv, "Die! Survival of the fittest dumbass," he half yelled half whispered. George jumped at the sudden increase of volume and swore.

"Hey! Hey, don't do that!" He whisper screeched, swatting Dream's hands away from tossing another piece of popcorn at the TV, "I have to clean that up!" George scolded, his hands grasping Dream's wrists firmly and shoving them into the other's lap.

Dream pouted and wriggled his hands out of George's grasp and threw a piece of popcorn at his face. It hit him square in the forehead, and George just blinked at him, then blinked again, then looked at the fallen piece of popcorn in his lap. A strangled noise sounded from the blond, "Mercy, please I beg of you." he pleaded, his hands held up in surrender.

George picked up the fallen piece of popcorn and stared at it and said with scary calmness, "I'm going to shove this down your throat until you choke." Dream laughed nervously and George just looked at him, his face read anything but humor. He was not joking.

Dream smirked, "Is that what you're into?" George narrowed his eyes and picked up the popcorn bowl, readying to throw it full force into Dream's face when a high-pitched scream echoed through the room. The two of them both jumped, the popcorn bowl flipping out of George's hands and upside down on his bed.

On the TV screen, the girl was running down the haunted house's hallway, jumped over her dead boyfriend's body, and face-planted into the wall. How the fuck? Dream snorted a laugh, then shoved a hand over his mouth and started a George with wide eyes. George bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing as well before looking at the dejected, and now empty, bowl of popcorn. His bed was a mess.

He sighed and looked at the screen and literally laughed when he saw the girl struggling to open the front door, "Bro," George snorted, "The door's locked. Unlock it, dumbass." Dream chuckled and shrugged, "Survival of the fittest." He nodded, and George just rolled his eyes.

Dream narrowed his eyes at George, then picked up the empty bowl of popcorn and shoved it onto George's head. Startled, George gasped and just stilled, his hands slowly feeling the bowl that was now on his head and covering his eyes. Puzzled, he just asked the other, "Why the hell did you put the bowl on my head?"

Dream snorted and tilted the bowl up so George's eyesight was regained. His hair was bound to be greasy from the butter and probably gross from the salt. He'll have to take another shower. Ugh.

"I don't know. I think my intrusive thoughts won."

George stared at him puzzled, "What the fuck kind of intrusive thoughts do you have?"

Dream shrugged and tapped his knuckles on the tin bowl, "One's that make me think you aren't that intimidating with a bowl on your head. Had to try and see if it was true."

George just stared at him, beyond words, "And?"

Dream nodded approvingly, leaning back against the headboard, "I am happy to know that you are indeed not intimidating when you have a bowl on your head."

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