37 - Heart vs Brain

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A/N - 4800+ babes; I did not proofread this oopsies LMAO- go get somewhere comfy my little Oreos; get a snack and some water babes <3

"And I can't even be mad at them because they are perfect!"


"You're back!" Someone exclaimed from next to George, causing him to jump and whip his head around at the sudden voice. Karl stood with Nick against the shut lockers next to George's. 

"Yeah," was all George said before digging back into his locker. He was looking for his AP Calc textbook. 

After Dream visited George yesterday and helped pull him out of whatever hell hole he had dove into, he convinced him to go to school the next day. George didn't want to, he really didn't. But, Dream was adamant and said it'd help get him back on a schedule and normalcy. Alas, George agreed. Nobody really wanted to go to school anyways, but he had to graduate.

"Where were you?" Nick asked, his brows furrowed, "You didn't answer my texts or calls." he said, crossing his arms across his chest. George blinked at the water bottles in his locker before lightly slamming it shut with a lock. You'd know if you bothered to show up. George inwardly grimaced, that's bullshit and you know it. Not everyone had time to put up with youThey have lives too.

"I was sick," George said simply, his gaze avoiding Nick's. Out of all the times George had fallen deep off the edge of his own mind, Nick was always there in his corner. He was there to talk to him, to simply just be in his presence so he felt a little less alone because Nick was his best friend. It seems as though those days have passed now because the old Nick would've shown up immediately, whether George wanted him to or not. It hurt, it really really hurt knowing that he didn't bother. Maybe you've done this so many times he's tired of having to help pick up the pieces.

"I was going to stop by yesterday but Dream said he had it handled." Nick sighed, guilt flashing in his eyes. George just hummed and nodded, pushing the hurt aside. And yet I was gone for 3 days and you decided to see if I was okay after the fact? George internally punched himself, Nick has no responsibility in helping you through hard times. Shut up and get to class.

"I'm fine." George semi-lied. Sure, he was feeling better but he still felt as if he was dangling on a tightrope made of sewing thread. One tap, one slip, one little mishap would send him off the edge. It was safe to say his anxiety was at an all-time high.

 Karl and Nick shared a glance before Karl plastered on a grin, inevitably changing the subject, which he was extremely good at doing. "So, you feeling better enough to go to the Halloween party tomorrow night?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows up and down. George groaned and shook his head, leaning his back against his locker. "Not in the mood."

Karl scoffed and was about to say something when Nick interjected, his signature mischievous smirk plastered on his face, "You're coming. It'll be your birthday x Halloween party." He smiled. George shook his head again, "I don't want a party, Nick." He groaned.

Nick rolled his eyes and shoved the other in the shoulder, "You say that every time." George narrowed his eyes at the others. He was really not in the mood to get wasted at some high school party. "You're going, and that's final." 

George went to refuse, to tell them that they can't make him do anything but they already hurriedly ran off. He sighed heavily, not in the mood to pick a fight with anyone at the moment, and just spun on his heels to go to his next class.

He hadn't missed too much this week. The classes were relatively easy and his teachers loved him so he didn't have to worry too hard about pushing tests back so he could study. However, school assignments weren't really on his mind because he was trying to come up with an excuse to not go to that damn birthday x Halloween party, or whatever Nick had called it.

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