⏰Moments Before⏰

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The nine hero's are joined by river who is confronted by everyone trying to tell him what had happened, but they are all silenced by the gates swinging open, The Queens of Scorpio strut out, followed by Harriet who holds a sword.

"You don't want to do this."
Shouts Michelle.

"Oh I think we do."
Says Charlotte marching forward. She had ripped the skirt of her dress revealing a perfectly crafted short and shirt pair, armour tied screwed across her chest and back.

"Oh yes, Charlotte, the leader of the Virgos."
Smiles Michelle.

"That's me."
Frowns Charlotte.

"I remember the cries of your people, and that boy, what was his name?"
Smiles Michelle, wanting Charlotte to answer.

"Ryder, the boy you murdered!"
Spits Charlotte back at her.

"Are you so sure?"
Smirks Valorie.

Charlotte tilts her head confused.

"Bring forth, the spy."
Valorie's smirk grows wider as two guards march forward, a limp body between them.

Every watches as they throw the body on the floor, it coughs and looks up.

Charlottes begins to cry as she asks.

"Hey princess."
He groans.

Charlotte's jaw clenches and she cries.

"Aww, poor girl thought he loved her."
Laughs Harriet.

"You didn't really think anyone would love you."
Valorie's joins in the cackle.

Ryder makes eye contact with Charlotte, he whimpers.

"I'm sorry."

Charlotte shakes her head and stands back with her friends. Ajax puts his arm around her waist and pulls her in to a hug. She stays there for a moment, the stands back not daring to look at Ryder.

"I have one question for you, Charlotte."
Michelle spits her name. Charlotte glares at her.

"I hope that you know, you'll be leading these people to their deaths."
Her mouth crawls into a smile as she swings her bow from her shoulder.

"I'd be honoured to die beside her."
Says Ajax smiling.

"Me too."
Says Calida.

"As would I."
Says Sam.

"I too, would be proud to die alongside my friends."
Says Rhea looking at everyone.

"Me too."
Says Terran.

"And me."
Says Anya.

"It would be an honour."
Says Arla.

"Me too."
Says Alvaro.

"I haven't known these people for very long, but I would already give up my life for them."
Says River smiling at his new companions.

"Count me in."
Stutters Tara, stumbling forward, and adrenaline rush giving her the strength to fight.

The three enemies look around.

"Oh how beautiful, practically bringing me to tears."
Says Harriet sarcastically.

"You won't win."
Says Sam, standing proud.

"And you will?"
Sniggers Michelle.

Shouts Terran.

"Yeah, you and what army?"
Laughs Valorie.

"This one."
Smiles Charlotte.

She snatches a horn from her belt and blows on it. A loud sound echos around the sky. A roar of screams and shouts from the trees, and an army of every sign emerges carrying weapons of all kinds.

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