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"Please" I begged
"Hailey. You know we can't" dad said
"Oh come on!" I shouted throwing my arms up

I looked to Moony
"Moony? PleAse let me go" I begged
"Hailey, we've told you already you can't go to America. The ministry is watching all the floo networks" he said
"You can't go girl. So sit down" mad eye said

I growled and raised my hands a purple glow
"You're in my house" I said
"Aye, and you're not going anywhere" he replied
"Hailey, it's for your own, and their safety" dad said
"No it's not! Dad they want to hurt Bucky. I can't let them" I knelt in front of him
"Please. I have to help Bucky" I said begging now
"He's been through too much, you remember Azkaban, he's been through the same thing, and now he is being blamed for blowing up the UN" I said
"Hailey, you're not going. We can't let you go" Moony said

"He's my brother. I'm going" I stood up and ran to the fire, I pulled a fist of Floo powder from my pocket before I fell from a full body binding curse
"Idiots! They wnT to hurt him! Let me go" I wiggled around
"Sorry Hailey" Tonks leaned down
"Tonks, big cuz, come on, seriously, body binding?" I whined
She chuckled and pulled me up

I huffed and stormed out

"Maybe we should get them here sooner?" I heard my dad say as I left
"We'll try" I heard Dumbledore

I'd not left my room in two days, I've been trying to figure out a way to get across the ocean. Tony's letter had just said,

Bucky being blamed for blowing up UN building

They need me.

A knock came at the door. I lifted a shoe and tossed it at whoever's head it was
"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted angrily
"Woah, good to know you didn't miss me" Fred voice said

I spun around and saw the boy holding my shoe
"FRED!" I screamed and ran to him
I leaped forward and he caught me under my legs as I wrapped my legs and arms around him holding tight
"I missed you too" he chuckled
I pulled back and looked into the blue eyes that I adored
"Oh god, I threw a shoe at you" I said
"Meh, nothing new" he laughed and kissed me
I kissed back happily

Molly had joined the band Wagan making us clean the house
Fred and George had explained how Percy had abandoned the family and I too was mad
Molly had applauded my cleaning of the kitchen and main living room but she tasked us with every other room

Fred, George and I had used magic but Molly had now taken our Wands until we finished our room
"Hailey, get the house elf to get our wands" George groaned putting down the towel
"I tried but Molly hide them so Kreacher can't find them" I replied leaning on Fred
"She's making us clean to forget about the traitor" Fred whined
"If it helps her then I don't blame her" I sighed

"Did you see your uncle?" Fred asked
I shook my head, "they wouldn't let me leave"
"Gits" George said


"Are you awake?" Fred whispered his head poking over the top of my bed
"Yup" I whispered
"Can I join you?" He asked
I chuckled and lifted my blanket up
The ginger scurried up into my bed and wrapped his arms around me
"I'm surprised your dad would let us stay together" Fred whispered so we wouldn't wake George

"Dad knows you both wouldn't try anything, plus if you're with me, i dont complain about not seeing Tony" I said
"Black mail" he hummed
I snuggled closer my nose brushing his
"Hailey?" He asked
"Fred?" I replied
"Can I kiss you?" He asked
"I've told you, you don't need to ask Freddie" I giggled and moved my lips to his

A Stark Witch   Where stories live. Discover now