Goblets summer

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"Where are we?" I asked on me my feet landed
"You'll see" Remus smiled and led me down a street
I just walked content after the man looking at the park across the street, with muggle children running around and playing.
"Here we are" He announced stopping outside one of the houses
"Are we moving house?" I asked teasingly
"No" he chuckled "come" he walked up the steps and walked in

I sighed and followed after him

This house was dark and very dreary. With cobwebs and dust filling the hallway. There was hardly any natural lighting either. Yet, I had a feeling in my bones, one of being home

"We're here!" Remus called out walking into a room
I heard the clattering of pots and pans and laughing of two men. One Remus, the other....a voice I've been dying to hear all summer
"DAD!" I shouted excitedly running in

I stopped seeing him let go of hugging Remus, his face beaming as he opened his arms for me
I laughed and ran at him jumping into his arms
"I missed you so much. Are you okay? What happened? Where did you go? Where are we? Hi" I rambled making both men laugh
"I missed you too pup. I'm fine, I'll tell you everything over lunch. Hi to you too" dad answered joyfully
"Sit sit, I think I did this right" dad told us

I smiled happily and sat at the table across from Remus as dad placed a pot of tomato pasta down between us
"Ohhhhhhh" I chooed
"Looks not burnt Padfoot. Good job" Remus teased and I smiled happily as the two began to bicker

Halfway through eating, dad began to tell us how he got here
"Well, after I left you, Harry and Hermione, I just flew to a forest and spent a bit there before I risked coming here. This is the "Noble house of Black"" dad said mockingly
"You grew up here?" I cringed, no wonder dad ran off to uncle prongs
He nodded before continuing "so I sent the letter to Remus asking him to meet here today. I knew you were here for a bit before you go to Tony again " dad smiled
"We're staying?" I looked at Remus
"Just you. Everyone will think you are in America for yours and Sirius's protection" Remus explained and I nodded

Remus left us to it around half four. We'd spent a few hours in the kitchen just telling stories about pranks we'd done and memories the two friends shared.
I was currently sitting in my room, or the room dad had said I could have.
And by sitting I mean I was cross legged in the middle of the room literally floating because of the amount of dust.

"What in Merlins beard?" Dad stumbled backwards once he walked in seeing me flying
"Hi" I smiled and landed down
"How? What?" He asked wide eyed
"I've powers remember?" I said showing my glowing hands and he sighed
"Thank Merlin, I thought I'd lost it" he chuckled
"Nope, just weird magic" I shrugged "did you want something?" I asked
"Yeah follow" he said and skipped out so giggling I followed after the man who should've raised me

"What's this?" I asked as we walked into a room with faces all over the walls
"Your family" dad answered walking to one wall
Spinning around I joined his side seeing his name but a black burn mark over his face
"Ouch" I said knowing what it meant


"Yup. But look" he said pointing to the child face of me
"Me? Why am I there?" I asked confused
"I dont know, it was here when I came. But you're on the Black family tree" he smiled
"Well, gotta say I'm not impressed with our so called family tree" I mumbled
"That makes two of us" he agreed
"I had a question" he asked
"Shoot" I nodded looking around tracing my lineage
"You use your mothers name. Hailey Black-Stark. Why? Is it because of me?" He asked cautiously

I turned to him
"Eh, no. I took it cause that was mums name, and yours is there. I'm not sure. I guess Remus and Tony thought I'd be safer? But I kept it cause it felt like it was the only real part of mum I have left. I knew you were alive, in Azkaban, and I had memories and things you owned. But, all I had left of mum was.....is, her name and Uncle Tony" I explained awkwardly
"I get it. You're all I have left of my Thia too" he wrapped me in a hug and I hugged back
"I'm sorry I wasn't there" he whispered
"Sokay. You're here now" I mumbled

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