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I couldn't help but laugh
"Hermione, how?" I got out between my hysterical laughter
"I didn't mean to! I was just trying to stir it" the younger girl laughed
"What did you dad say?" I asked her calming down
"He sent me away from the kitchen. Said that when I stop letting it bubble so hard like potions then I'll be allowed to help make soup again" she explained

"Can I tell my uncles?" I asked hopeful to spread the hilarious story
"You mean Tony Stark?" She asked wide eyed
"Yeah, and Remus" I nodded
"NO HAILEY! You can't tell an avenger that I made a pot of soup explode" she shouted
I chuckled
"I won't say it was you, I'll just say it was some story I heard in town" I smiled and buff he'd her shoulder
"Fine" she sighed.
"Come on, let's go get ice cream and find the boys" I smiled and she beamed excitedly
"Where are they? When you said that Ron and the twins and you were meeting up I'd assumed you meant together" She looked around
"We are together. They just stopped to look at that pond full of ducks. They'll catch up, trust me. It's better to leave when they look at ponds" I chuckled

"Where did you two run off to?" George asked panting when the three ginger boys caught up to us. The three of them dripping wet
"What happened?" I asked my voice rising pitch
"Ron slipped, so I gave him a hand to be NICE, for once, and he pulled me in. So we pulled Georgie in too" Fred explained
"Only fair" Ron shrugged as he walked to Hermione's side
"Typical" I rolled my eyes and threw my ice cream tissue in the bin.

"Gah, no no no" I held a hand to Fred's chest when I realised he was trying to make me wet too
He chuckled and smiled when my purple light covered his wet body and warmed him up and got rid of the wetness
"Thanks love" he wrapped me in a warm hug and whispered into my ear sending a shiver down my back
"Don't try, you'll never make me wet then" I giggled using that word ironically
I pulled back and he blushed as bright as his hair making his all laugh at the unlucky twin
And Fred punched his brothers in the shoulder

I dried off the two other boys as well, just in the nick of time as well. Because Hermione's parents arrived, with the Weasley mother in the back seat.
"Boys." Molly hugged her sons who pushed her away
"Bye Hermione" I hugged the girl quickly before she left
"I'll see you soon" she said before popping in the car

"Now, let's get home" Molly smiled as we all took home of her arms and she apparatus us to the burrow


"Hailey! Your owl is here!" I heard Ginny shout for me
"Coming!" I called back

I put my book marker in the book, and put it gently on the sofa with my fluffy blanket.
I'd been reading about werewolves, Remus had been against me getting the book, but I had used my saved up money and got it. Once I explained that I wanted to find a cure for him he couldn't help but smile and let me get it

I walked into the kitchen to see Molly kiss Arthur's cheek as he left for work. And Ginny sat at the table

"Perry" I beamed at the pretty owl by the window
"He hasn't left so he wants a reply" Ginny smiled at me
"Thanks Gin" I smiled at her and she nodded going back to her Quidditch magazine I got her

"How are you today pretty bird?" I asked my owl as I stroked his feathers and he squawked happily
I took the letter from his pouch. And the handwriting was clearly Tony's.


"I'm serious Hailey" Remus held my shoulders firmly
"I know. But it's not in my control uncle Moony. It's my job" I replied
"You're sixteen. Your only job is to finish Hogwarts" he said softly
"And I will. But if I can help people, help save the world, you want me to sit by and do nothing?" I asked him pulling the hero card
"Of course I want you to help Hal. But do you think your mum and dad would want you to be risking your life like this? I'm just worried for you" he sighed
"Remus, I'm prophecied to save two wars. What if the one battle I sit out is the one I'm supposed to help win? What if I'm the reason we all die? What if you know who comes back and starts another wizarding war? Is that the wizarding war in supposed to stop? I- I just....I need to stop them" I sighed and slouched into the sofa

A Stark Witch   Where stories live. Discover now