Christmas Engineering

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The weeks flew by, and I've been enjoying every minute at my new home.
The twins and Lee turned out to be my best friends, and the four of us were making a name for ourselves as the pranking quadrant.
The twins had snatched a funny piece of parchment from Filches office last week, so I was tasked with finding what magical properties it had seeing as I'm the spells brains of our group. But it was exceedingly hard when I'm still fairly new to using my own magic, however I was determined to figure it out

"Post is here" Lee said I put my waffle down and looked upward trying to spot Remus' owl, or even Tony's. I've not heard from him in a while.
And then I spotted the familiar brown barn owl come and land on my outstretched arm I took the letter from his leg and he flew off to the owlrey

"Remus" I said happily seeing the familiar loopy writing
I ripped it open and took the letter to find out the latest news

Dear Hailey,
I hope you are well and having fun. Your last letter made me smile, I'm glad you have the twins to keep you on your toes. And about the parchment try the incantation 'I solemnly swear I'm up to no good', I've heard that's good.

Sadly I bear bad news for you sweetheart. Your uncle has gone missing, they say a kidnapping. I don't have much information, I only have what Pepper was able to send me.
Just so you know the entire of the US Army is out looking for him, or any traces he could have left behind.
I'm sorry to have kept this from you, but he's been missing for two months now. I thought if he appeared in the last month I could have kept it from you, but even I have begun to worry for him. However your uncle is a smart man, I'm positive he will show up soon. I will keep you posted.

Keep up the good work at school, don't get in too much trouble, and have fun. I love you Hals, stay safe. And don't worry, I'm sure Tony is fine
  Remus Lupin

I shakily put the letter down, and stared at space in front of me. I was barely aware of the hands shaking me, and the voices, I felt the paper in my hand being removed.
My uncle.... Was missing. Possibly kidnapped? What if he's dead? Then I'm really alone.
Two arms wrapped around me in a hug and I leaned into it
"It's okay Hals. Didn't you say your uncle was a genius, I'm sure he's fine." Fred said gently trying to make me stop staring into space
"He's all I have left" I whispered sadly
I looked at the two boys in front of me
"No he's not. You have us, and Remus right?" George said
"Yeah. Im sure they'll find him, if the entire army is searching he's bound to show up" Lee nodded too
I looked up at Fred, who was still hugging me to his side
"It'll be okay." He said softly
I leaned into his side some more.

The rest of the day I was in a daze thinking of possibilities of where my uncle was, or how I could help find him.
I was walking around the courtyard with George when an idea struck
"I KNOW WHAT TO DO!" I shouted over my shoulder as I ran straight to the common room to write a letter
George chased after me, and we took some short cuts to get there faster

Once we had gotten passed the portrait I ran to the small desk in the corner, grabbing parchment and a quill. And began to write to my uncle

Dear Remus
I know this is rushed but it doesn't matter. It's urgent!
I think I know a way to find Tony.

Last year we installed a unique GPS into his holo phone. If it's still on him, you can find him.
I know you don't understand technically so show this to Pepper and tell her to tell Rhodey.

Rhodey, Tony's tracker is accessible in the lab. The computer on the left of his station. In the drawer under my bench is a chip, put that in and it'll show you the coordinates of the phone. I know he most likely doesn't have it on him if he's been kidnapped, but his captors might.
You could at least narrow down the playing field.
The password is my middle name and mums birthday.

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