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(Three years old)
With both my parents gone, I moved in with my godfather, Remus Lupin. But he and Uncle Tony had an agreement, I'd stay with each for a month, and the swap would occur around the full moon

While everything was being cleared up in England, your godfather sent you to stay with Tony for now, at least until it's properly safe for you to move back home.

"Come along Hailey, your bedroom is all done up" pepper led me down the hall, her bigger hand clasped in my smaller one
"Ta da" she said opening the door for me

"Is my woom?" I asked
"Yes sweetheart, this is your room. You can go look around" Pepper said kindly
And I did, I wobbled around the room, looking at the rack of books, the shelves of toys, and the desk with colouring pencils, the walk im wardrobe but all I saw was clothes, and the bathroom was very big too, but the sink and polite both had step stools for me, and the big bed, that had lots of pillows and teddy bears
I happily climbed up in other soft bed, and gently placed my teddy down in the middle. Patting its head smiling

"Peppew, is Uncwe Tony come pway?" I asked rubbing my eyes for tiredness
"Maybe later, he's a bit busy right now. I think you'd benefit from a nap perhaps?" She asked sitting on the bed too
I nodded sleepily as she pulled the blanket back, and pushed the overload of bears and pillows off the bed. But she made sure to hand me my special teddy. My little polka dotted dog
"Sleep tight, I'll wake you up later" she tucked me in and left

"Uncwe Tony?" I asked excitedly as I heard footsteps from the upstairs.
I jumped off the sofa and ran over, but was disappointed when I didn't see my uncle, and instead saw a lady, who only had a big top on
Confused I tilted my head

"Awww look at you." The lady pinched my cheeks
Annoyed I swatted her hands away from my chubby face. "Who you?" I asked
"I'm Alice Smith" she said her voice all squeaky
"I no wike wou. Wou keep Uncwe Tony away" I huffed and walked away to find Pepper.
But I grew lazy and sat down on the sofa, and continued to watch the cartoon that pepper had set up for me this morning
A blue glow coming off my fisted hands

"Ahh Ms.Smith. Your clothes are freshly pressed, and there is a car outside that will take you anywhere you wish" pepper walked to the other lady

Being a child of both a Stark and Black, I had a lot of sarcasm, so I rolled my eyes. I might be three, but I wasn't a stupid kid, I was rather smart for my age

"There's the little gremlin" uncle Tony walked in
"No. Wou go away. Wou pwayed wiff the bad wady, and no me. So wou no call me gwenwin" I said grumpily
"Mr. Stark, Mr.Remus will be arriving this evening to pick Hailey up, if you'd like to spend your last few hours with her" pepper said from her spot on the sofa opposite me
"Yeah sure. Come on kid" Tony called me over

"No." I huffed and continued to colour the tiger picture I was given
"Awww come on Hals, don't be like that. Let's go play in my sports car." He bargained
"No, me spend time wiff Peppew" I shook my head
"Stubborn. How did your mum do it?" He muttered
"Mumma?" I asked excitedly after hearing her name

I jumped up and ran to the door hoping to see the woman

"Oh. Shit, uh, no Hailey, she's not there" Tony walked over to me
"Why?" I asked
"Because..... she's not here" he said nodding
I sighed sadly "where pappa?" I asked then
"He's gone too" he said sadly this time

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