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"REMUS!" I ran to the man as I got off the train
"Hahahaha, hi Hailey, I missed you too" he laughed hugging me back
"I've really missed you" I said smiling at him
"Me too. Now, let's get you to your uncles for this week and then I can have you for a while" he joked

"Sure. Let me get the twins" I said and found my friends
"Ah, you must be Hailey, lovely to meet you. The twins, and Charlie have told me all about you." she hugged me
I chuckled and smiled at her, I loved her already
"Thanks you too Mrs.Weasley. Sorry to do this, but my uncle says we have to go now, so do you mind if I steal the twins now?" I asked
"Oh of course. Have fun dears" she hugged them, and they half hugged her.
"Okay mum let us go." Fred whined
"Yeah it's just a week" George also whined

They wiggled away and I took their hands leading them away

"Boys. Nice to meet you both, I'm Remus Lupin" the man shook their hands
The twins were polite to him and smiled introducing themselves
"Right Hailey, let's go. I told Pepper half eight. It's nearly nine now" he said to me
"Half nine? It's only one o'clock" Fred looked at me
"It'll be nine cause of the time difference. They're seven hours ahead of us" I said

Remus led us over to the few floo grates
We all stepped into the large family sized one, just for convenience. I took Fred's hand, while Remus took George's. Just a precaution

"Stark mansion, Malibu" Remus threw the powder down and we were all swallowed by the green flames
I've gotten so used to the feel of flooing all the way to America by now, but I pity the twins who probably haven't been outside of Britain

We landed in the familiar house, Remus was the first to step out, and I followed letting the twins gain their footing
"OH TONY!" I called
"Hailey, he might be asleep" Remus scolded me
"HA, Tony, asleep" I laughed as I walked to the side and dropped my trunk, rug sack, and cat carrier. I opened the box and the cat ran to her tree
"Whoa" George and Fred walked to me putting down their belongings too
"Uhuh" Fred agreed looking around
"You'll be fine now? I'll see you next week" Remus briefly hugged me before he stepped back into the fireplace and disappeared

"This is your house?" Fred asked
"Yeah, I take it you like it" I smiled softly at his adorable face
"It's just.... Wow" was all he was able to word apparently
I chuckled and walked to the kitchen.
"Jarvis, where's pepper? Or Tony?" I said as I walked
"Who you talking to?" George asked
"Ms.Potts has left for the night. And Mr.Stark is in the cave" jarvis answered
The twins screamed and looked everywhere for the voice making me laugh
"Hailey, might I enquirer whom you have brought with you. I have no recollection of them in my database?" Jarvis asked
"Where are you voice?" Fred looked at the ceiling making me laugh again
"Fred, George meet Jarvis. He's an AI, he controls nearly everything. And no, he's not a person, he's a program my uncle made." I explained to the freaked out boys
"And Jarvis, these are my friends, Fred and George Weasley" I said

"J, order the usual pizza, and get an extra one" I instructed as I walked to the lab
"Coming?" I asked the twins as I stood atop the stairs.
They ran to join me, not wanting to be alone, with the scary Jarvis
"Where does this go?" George asked
"What's pizza?" Fred asked
I just laughed at them
"Pizza is food. And this, leads to the treasure trove" I said as we came to the now fixed glass windows
"Whoa" they both said seeing inside

I put in the code and lead them inside, the blaring music making them cover their ears not used to the noise
"Jarivs, mute" I ordered and the music cut off
"PEPPER! I SAID LEAVE IT ON!" Tony shouted coming out from under a car
"Oh. Hailey" he spotted me
"And other people I don't know" he saw the twins too, who we're looking around in amazement
"Hi" I hugged the man
"Who are they?" He asked
"My best friends. Fred and George, meet Tony Stark. Tony, Fred and George" I introduced them
"Oh yeah, I forgot you said you'd be bringing other kids. Hi" Tony realised and waved at them

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