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"See ya in a few days pup, you have fun" the father squeezed the little girls cheeks
"Pappa, why you not come?" The girl questioned
"I've got work pup, but you and Mumma are going to go visit your uncle, okay? You be good now. I'll see you soon" the man said and kissed his wife's cheek
"Be careful Sirius, you know what he wants" the woman said softly to him, so he nodded with a smile

The lady still holding her daughter in her arms lifted her wand and apperated the two of them to her older brothers house
The woman walked to the door and rung the bell, with a blonde lady opening it. "Oh, Thea you're here. Come in" the blonde invited them in
"Thanks Pepper. Is he home? Or is he...." The woman holding the girl asked
"He's downstairs, he said he's just finishing up. Drinks? Would you like some apple juice Hailey?" pepper said and the other lady nodded, and so did the little girl as she was placed on the ground to walk beside her mother
"JARVIS, tell my idiot of a brother to get up here now" Thea said to the AI
'Right away' the computer replied

(Haileys's POV)
"Here you go sweetheart" pepper said handing me the cup
"Fank wou" I smiled happily taking the pink polka dot cup from her as I sat at the small table while Mumma sat at the sofa talking to the ceiling
"Ahhh sister dearest of mine. Miss me?" Uncle Tony walked in
"Hilarious, but I think it's the other way around" Mumma said to him laughing
I watched the two hug, so I gently put down my cup, like how Mumma showed me, and I waddled forward also wanting a hug

"THERES my little monster" uncle Tony said loudly as he lifted me up and spun me around
I just laughed and squealed at the fast movement
"Uncwe Tony" I giggled as he stopped spinning us hugging me to his chest my little arms around his neck as my little hands played with the hairs on his chin.
He sat down, with me on his lap, and he passed me my cup of juice and went back to talking with Mumma

"Okay tell me" he said
I just sipped my juice as Pepper lady put a cartoon on the TV box
"He's gotten too strong Tony, Sirius is worried, I'm worried too. I mean you're okay, being a muggle and being here and all that, but I'm at risk over there..... I'm worried about my daughters life, about my husbands life, my friends, and myself. I- I don't think I'm going to make it out of this" Mumma said but I wasn't paying attention
"Youre not saying what I think you're saying right?" Uncle Tony asked
"Yes, I am. If anything happens to the Potters, he's coming for her. I can't let him Tony, I just can't. So if worst comes to worse, I want you and her godfather, Remus, you remember him? To take care of her" She asked
"Yeah yeah scar face right? James is the one married to Lily. Right?" The man bouncing me on his lap asked her and she nodded
"You want us to both take care of her?" Tony asked gaining another nod

Silence passed them as the little girl continued to giggle at the moving cartoon

"You don't think something bad will happen? You can stop it right?" Tony broke the silence
"I dont know. I just.... I dont know" she whispered
"I'll do what I can. If anything happens to you, or Sirius, I promise I'll do my best, and I'm sure Remus will help" He moved closer to embrace his sister
"Thank you big brother" the woman leaned into his side as the two hugged and watched the little laughing girl

"Hailey, come on, I'll show you my new invention" uncle Tony led me down to his lab
Mumma followed us, she wanted to know too I think. "Still making weapons?" She asked
"What else am I supposed to do?" Tony asked her as he opened the glass door leading the two inside
"I dont know, maybe do clean energy. Isn't that a big thing? I dont know, wizards just use magic. Simpler way of life" Mum chuckled
"Yeah well not all of us are witches, are we Thea?" He joked as he put me on his lap again beside his favourite robot
"Tough luck" she pushed his side also sitting

"DUMM1E, bring that here" Tony instructed the robot
Again he and his sister watched the little girl laugh as the robot handed her, a toy she'd left on their last visit
"Fank wou Uncwe Tony, and wou Dum.... Dum.... Dum?" She tried to say the word but looked at her mum and uncle
"DUMM1E. Dum- me" the woman broke up the word with two claps to help
"Dum.... Me" the little girl copied her
"That's great you little munshkin." Tony chooed proud of his only niece

"Mr. Stark, Mrs.Black. Obidiah is here" pepper walked in
"I'll be up" Tony said and the lady left
"I'll stay here" mum said as she took me from the man. "Smart plan" he nodded and left

"Cav.... Mumma cav" I used my little arms to reach toward the expensive collection of cars
"Car. Rrrr. Like a roar. Try sweetheart" Mumma said as she helped me to them
"Cav" I tried again
"Close enough" Mumma chuckled as she opened the hot rod red car and placed me behind the wheel on her lap
She placed my hands on the wheel and I made broom noises as she helped me play

For a while we played around in the different cars, making different noises. Uncle Tony likes to show them off, he takes us on drives sometimes and the different cars have different noises

"Ill be back next weekend like always" Mumma hugged him
"Okay, I'll be clean like always." He nodded
"Good" she nodded too
"Bye bye Uncwe Tony" I hugged the mans leg and he lifted me up for a proper hug
"You two be safe. Tell mr.husband to come next time, we can have a few drinks" the man joked
"Tony you know I only come on Saturdays...." She trailed off to let him finish
He sighed and did so. "Saturdays when I don't drink two days before. Or have any lady friends over" he said
"Exactly. So no drinking with Sirius" Mumma laughed
Again the two siblings hugged and I got a head kiss
"Okay. Be safe Thea, you're the only family I got left, and I'm a bit clingy" he teased, but a seriousness was in his voice too
"It'll be fine Tony. I topped all my DADA classes" she smiled
"Still don't know what that stands for, but I know you're a great witch" he smiled and waved
And with a wave of her wand she disapperated us home


"SIRIUS! He knows! He's gone for them" mumma shouted running into my room
"Get Hailey, I'm going to go help them. Keep her safe." Pappa said to mumma
She was crying and I didn't know why, but Pappa was scared. I've never seen pappa scared before
"Sirius" Mumma whispered and he came back
The two hugged and had a short kiss
"It'll be alright. I love you, both of you. Just hide her Thea" he said and left

"Let's hide in here" Mumma took us into the room hiding behind my bookcase. Uncle Remus built it. I didn't know what was happening, but I knew I was tired. So I slept

"Hand her over mudblood. Or you both die" a curly haired woman said angrily
"NEVER!" Mumma shouted at her I rubbed my sleepily little eyes, oblivious to the severity of the situation
"Then you are a fool" the curly haired lady shouted and shot Mumma with magic
Mumma screamed and fell to the ground, her body covering mine as she twitched, and tears filled her eyes
"I love you" she whispered to me
I put a hand on her cheek, and cried too, I didn't understand why this lady was hurting my mum, only that she was the bad lady pappa told me about

Mum whispered something, but I didn't understand, so that means magic.
When mamma said words quiet, that means she does magic.

I then got a shock up the hand that was on my mother's wet cheek, making my small body fall over and begin to scream as well.

And too weak to fight my body caved, and darkness took over my body. But before that, I felt a sheering pain shooting up me.


"NO I WANT PAPPA! I WANT MAMMA!" I screamed and k Ike fun little legs out.
"You're okay Hailey. It's alright, it's okay" uncle Remus tried to quieten me
"NOOOOOO" I continued to fight to get out his arms
All I could do was fight the strong man who was holding me against his chest, as I flailed around
"Here let me try" uncle Tony took me
He had tears in his eyes too. But I didn't care, I just want my parents. The medi-witch had put a blanket over Mumma and she was put in a black bag

"Hailey listen to me. Please calm down." Uncle Tony said to me sternly, but I continued to scream, wail and lash out.
"Hailey, you need to be quiet. I KNOW! I know you're sad and angry and scared. I know okay. But please knees you to calm down" he snapped at me and I did. I went calm, tears still in my eyes, but shock was there too. My uncle never shouted at me before
"Where Pappa?" I asked wiping my wet eyes as I looked between the two men

They shared a silent conversation

Remus sighed and stepped closer
"Hals hes away. He will be away for a little while, but for now, you're going to stay with me. And your other uncle" he explained
I might be a three year old, but I did have the Stark gene, like my uncle and mother, I was highly intelligent.
"Why?" I asked
"Well your mum is.... She's gone, for a long time. Don't worry you'll see her again, but for now she's gone. And your dad, well he's got to be somewhere else" Tony said
"Okay" I whispered softly sleep taking over me

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