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"I still think American train stations are better. These are all so old" Tony whined as he and Remus walked with me through Kings Cross train station
"Tony hush. The British system is just more classic" Remus rolled his eyes, used to the other mans dramatics

I just laughed at my two parental figures as I pushed my trolly along the platforms
I saw other kids pushing trolleys too. Some had screeching owls, some had cats like me, some had other little kids sitting on their trunks, probably siblings.

"Where to now?" I asked excitedly as we stopped between two walls
"You run. Straight at that wall" Remus said pointing at the wall between the two platforms
"Run. At a wall?" I asked
"Yeah, just don't question it. Thea did that, she nearly missed the bloody train. So go" Tony said a hand on my shoulder
I smiled up at him, as the two men had a hand on my shoulder and we all ran at the wall
I braced for impact, shutting my eyes and scrunching up my face, but we never collided

I opened my eyes and saw the famous bright red train. The Hogwarts Express was labelled on the side
"Come on Hal's, hurry up" Remus called for me. So I turned the trolley and walked down the platform walking passed chatting wizards and witches
I spotted a family with bright red hair. There was a lot of them, I wished I had a big family sometimes. More siblings would be so fun. But I enjoy my time with me and my uncles.

Remus handed off my luggage while I held Astro in her wooden crate.
Tony knelt down and looked me in the eye, making sure I had everything I'd need.
"What if I don't fit in?" I began to worry
"You'll be fine kiddo. You're part Stark, we make the best of every situation, okay? You'll be great" Tony said hugging me
"Will you be okay? On your own" I asked
"I'll be fine. I have Pepper, and Rhodey" he said smirking
"No more ladies?" I joked

Our inside joke. I never liked when he had lady friends over, I've always thought he and Pepper should get married, so I, as the amazing niece I am, naturally, have tried to make them fall in love.

"Shush you." He hugged me again
"I'll miss your mess around the workshop, I won't miss that cat though. You just have fun, and learn lots and lots of magic okay?" He whispered
"Aye aye sir" I saluted and we laughed and Remus walked over
So Tony let me go and I hugged the other man
"I'll miss you Hals. Be careful. And have fun okay? And I don't want any letters from Dumbledore about you blowing stuff up. You spend far too much time with him" he joked pointing at the Stark beside us
"Will you be upset if I don't get Gryffindor?" I asked shyly
"Listen Hailey. The hat puts you where you need to be, and if that's Gryffindor then great. But if it's not then that's alright. Your mum and dad would be proud of you regardless" he said pulling me into a hug

The trains whistle blew. "Hurry up Hailey, or you'll miss it" the two men pulled me for another hug each
And Remus pushed me towards an open door, so I jumped in, careful with my cat
"Write to us" Tony shouted as the train began to move
"BYE!" I shouted waving

And then I couldn't see them anymore. I stared at my reflection in the glass for a second before I took a deep breath and went to find a compartment like Remus had told me

I walked down the carriages for a big until I found a free one. Just as I sat down, two laughing ginger boys walked in
"Hi" the one on the left said
"Hello" I greeted them
"Can we sit here?" The other one asked
I just nodded and they sat down opposite me

"I'm Hailey Black" I introduced myself after the  awkward silence that had filled the carriage
"We're Forge" the ginger in front of me said
"And Gred" the one on his right said
"Nice to meet you, Fred and George" I smiled at them
"You guessed right, huh" George said making me chuckle

"So how come you sound a bit different?" Fred then asked
"My accent?" I asked and they nodded
"Oh, well since my parents aren't around anymore, I grew up swapping between my two uncles, Remus Lupin and Tony Stark. Do you know them?" I asked
"Sorry to hear about your parents. And that's cool" George said smiling
"I've heard the names before, can't think where" Fred looked deep in though making me giggle
"Well Remus is a wizard. But my Uncle Tony is a muggle. My mum was a muggleborn. Neither of you are against muggleborns, are you?" I asked cautiously

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