End of year

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Back at school two weeks when I got a letter from Remus. And one from Tony

"So..... your uncle is a muggle superhero?" Lee asked skeptically
"Ehhh.... Iron Man?" I said
"What's that though?" George waned over to see my letters
"It's a suit-" I started
"Oh he's a knight" he stopped me
"No. It lets him fly" I said trying to explain
"So it has wings?" Fred asked
I smiled softly and giggled
"No, it has muggle technology called repulsors, he made them, anyway in the suit there's four. Two on the hands and two on the feet, so it lets him fly that way" I tried to explain to the wizards
"I don't get it. How does flying making him a hero. Dumbledore doesn't fly...... let's make Dumbledore fly" George got excited

"NO! Merlin no." I panicked
"He saved people's lives and stopped Obadiah, the man who helped run his company, from selling his weapons" I said
"Can we meet him then?" Lee asked
"Y-you want to meet my uncle?" I asked
"Sure, it'll be fun to see where you live, and see all your muggle stuff" Fred nodded
"Um, I'm not sure, but I'll ask if you all can stay a week this summer" I suggested

"That'll be so cool" the twins high-fived
"America" Lee did jazz hands making me laugh at the three goofballs I call friends
"How do we get there? We don't have a visa" Fred then asked me
"Oh, my uncle has the British Floo installed rather than the American" I smiled
"Is that legal?" George asked
"I think so, Remus set it up. They had to go to court or something i dont know" I shrugged not really knowing


"I figure this map out" I said to the twins as I plonked on the sofa between the twins
"Map?" George asked
"The parchment we found in Filch's office. I cracked the concealment charm. Watch" I said grabbing my wand
"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" I said and tapped the paper

Then words began to appear and illustrations of Hogwarts popped up along with it.

"Whoa" they said
I just nodded excitedly
"Open it" I told them
Lee took the paper from me and opened it, revealing the red inked map of the school and all her inhabitants
"Is this Hogwarts?" Lee asked
I nodded
"You can see everyone" Fred hummed in awe
"Yeah" I nodded still

"Pranks have just gone up a level" George smirked making us all laugh


"I told you it would be better" George said as we snuck in an undiscovered passageway
"I didn't say you were wrong" I chuckled following him, Lee and Fred were behind me
"That was bloody brilliant, did you see their faces?" Fred was laughing
"Course she did Fred, no need to try and impress your girlfriend" Lee teased
I blushed and giggled, thankful for the darkness to conceal my red cheeks
"Don't worry Fred, it was funny, the fireworks were a nice touch" I patted his shoulder
"Hals... that's my hand" he chuckled
I yanked my hand back, I cleared my throat and kept walking
"No it's okay, let's me keep you close to me" he whispered in my ear and pulled me closer again making me Yelp in shock
"Stop having sex, afraid we're a  bit young still" Lee teased
"Oh my god, we're not-.....we don't-... we wouldn't." I stuttered
"Sokay Hals we're just joking, we all know if you fancy any of us it'd be me" George said smugly making me laugh


"Today you will be turning an animal into a chalice, which is why I have asked you to bring an owl, cat or toad with you" McGonagle said walking around the class
I had astro sitting on my desk, Lee had his small owl, I had offered Perry to Fred seeing as George had convinced Percy to lend him Scabbers.
"Now, tap three times, and say the spell, Veriverto. Watch" she said and did the spell on her own owl
I watched amazed as she turned the bird to a golden chalice
"Let's see.... Ah, Miss Black." She walked to me
I smiled enthusiastically at her and nodded ready to try

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