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"Oh come on Hals, you literally told Lee, so tell us" George begged
"You don't want to know" Lee groaned and shoved a spoon of mash into his mouth
"Why not? Surely they aren't that bad?" Fred asked me
I just sighed and continued eating blocking the nosey twins out

"If you don't tell me, I'm gonna have to assume that it's me" George puffed up his chest, I chuckled while Lee spat up his water everywhere. Lucky for me, and everyone else, he wasn't beside anyone.
"You!" Lee choked
"HEY! I'm not that bad" George defended himself
I just raised my brow at him questioningly
"I'm not" he said
I nodded and looked to Fred who was staring at Angelina now. My face dropped slightly

Who am I kidding, I can never tell them I like Fred. He's in love with Angelina, whenever we hang out he's always staring at her, whenever we study he sits in the common room watching us, he's tried to come up to our dorm once, but the staircase became a slide and he slid down
I have no chance. More reason to never tell them

I sighed and pushed my plate away from me

"I'm going to go to the library. I have some....stuff on reactor functions Tony asked me to find- to get" I stood and left.
Lee looked at me with big brown eyes as I left him with the energetic twins
Usually I'd take him with me, but right now I need some head space

I walked down the corridors until I came to the library. I pushed opened the big wooden door into the treasure trove of information, and I walked to the section on muggle metals.

I found a book that might have some answers, and I sat down in my usual window seat
I flipped through the pages, but got bored easily.
I pulled out a piece of parchment and began to write a letter to the one person I think might the able to help me

Dear, Pepper

Hi Pep, I need your advice. So you remember the twins, well, I'm like 99% sure I like one of them. Fred. But he likes another girl.
Normally his staring at her never bothers me, but recently since Christmas break it's all I can think of, and it bothers me, a lot.
I can't stand it anymore, I swear it's driving me insane. I can't focus on anything and I'm pretty sure I'm going slightly depressed. But I want to know if he likes me back?
Any help or guidance is desperately needed, please.

Also how are you? And is Tony good?

Lots of love
      Hailey Black

P.S. school is all good, I'm studying well enough, I've gotten highest marks in classes, and I've been working hard to find that metal combination Tony wants for his suit (tell him that I found something)

I sealed the letter in an envelope and scrawled Peppers address on the paper with my purple ink


"Go Go Gryffindor" I joined the chant
I screamed loudly as for another goal
"Another 10 points for Gryffindor" Lee announced for the crowd
"Slytherin still hold the lead of 60-40" he then told the crowd
"GO FRED!" I cheered loudly as he flew passed my spot on the stands to get to a bludger

"Has Tracy found the snitch?" I heard Lee's voice call out drawing my eye upward to see the blonde grab the snitch
"AND GRYFFINDOR WINS!" Lee shouted out
The entire if the Gryffindor stand went up in cheers
I cheered loudly as George caught one of the bludgers and flew down to Madame Hooch with it

I squeezed passed my cheering housemates and ran down the stairs to the pitch
I saw the twins land so I ran to them and leaped into Georges's arms
"YOU DID IT!" I cheered
"Thanks Hals" he chuckled breathing heavy and let me go, I then hugged Fred, slightly timidly but I hugged him none the less as a friend
"You were great. You both were" I grinned at my twins
"Your cheering helped" fred joked making me laugh
I then went to congratulate Angelina, Katie and Oliver

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