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"Just study" I shoved the books back towards George and Fred respectively
"No, we don't care" Fred whined shoving it away again
"It's just stupid tests" George added shoving his book back too
"It'll let you decide which subjects you choose next year dumbasses" I pushed them back
"Can't you do it for us?" George asked
"That's stupid George, how could we even do that?" Lee asked
"By you studying, and Fred and I finding more teachers to prank" George got up and dragged his brother away so threw me a small wave and I smiled at him

"They're gonna fail" Lee huffed
"You'll be surprised, they're smart when they want to be" I defended our friends
Lee gave me a look
"Okay you're right they're gonna fail at least one" I sighed and opened another book for myself

Lee and I spent the rest of the evening cramming all the relevant knowledge into our heads, bouncing back and forth
We had studied, yes, but the first exam was tomorrow so we had to refresh all we had


"It'll be fine Hals, as you've pointed out many a time, you're a Stark you remember everything" Fred pushed my shoulders into the seat behind his for our exams
"But Freddie" I whined
"Dont Freddie me, I know you can do this Hal, you can, trust me" he said staring into my eyes as he sat in front of me, and I nodded slowly
So maybe my whole no boys rule wasn't a complete success


"So Ron is starting Hogwarts this year?" Remus asked the twins as we walked out of Flourish and Blotts
"Yeah" George nodded to the man
"I assume he's excited then?" Remus asked
"Oh he is you should've seen his little face when I was over at theirs last week. He's so giddy" I laughed at the memory of the jumping kid
"I'm glad. I'm sure he'll enjoy it" Remus smiled
"Right, I have a few errands to run. Can I leave you three for an hour?" The man asked
"Sure" we all nodded
"I'll see you at Leaky Cauldron then" Remus said and walked off

"Finally" I sighed happily
"Let's go to the joke shop. We need supplies for the house" Fred told us
I nodded and followed my two best friends to their favourite shop in Diagon Alley
Gambol and Japes
"So need anything in particular?" I asked
"Dung bombs ran out. Fizzles. And a few others" George said as Fred walked off so I looked around too
I saw some chocolate frogs and Bertie Bots so I grabbed them and went to pay

"He did not" I laughed
"Yeah and then Bill threw the cauldron at Charlie instead" Fred said while laughing
"And the whole potion dropped down Charlie's face. Oh it was bloody fantastic" George chuckled
"I can't wait for next week when I'm staying with you guys" I said
"Us too. Mums making us all clean the house as if you were the muggle Queen or something" George chuckled again
"Oh tell her not to worry. I live with Tony so I'm used to mess" I smiled


"I love your house" I said softly walking with Fred
"Why it's just a house?" He asked smiling

The two of us had left to take a walk seeing as it was a nice evening. It's around half eight, the sun just about finished setting and the scattered lights of Ottery St Catchpole created a magical twilight for our stroll

"Because it's so full of life" I answered smiling at the house we were walking to over the hill
"Imma need you to explain that Hal" Fred chuckled
"Your house, there's so much going on. Your mums cooking always smells so good, there's always someone laughing, or something to do. Plus it's got this warmth to it that neither of my houses have. My houses are.....cold" I explained rambling off the top of my head
"Because of my family?" He asked
"I guess, yeah" I nodded half smiling at him
"At Remus's it's um.....plain. It's old sorta, mostly cause it's an old house and it reminds me of a museum cause he has all these trinkets. And at Tony's, it's better cause it's me, him and Pep. And they make it homey, buts it's fancy....and I love it cause it's more home than at the Lupin house. God I feel bad for saying that. But Tony is my last piece of family, he's all I got left" I just spoke my thoughts
"I get you Hals. But you got me" Fred stopped us and took my hands in his
"And George. And Charlie and Bill and Ron and Lee and mum and dad oh and Ginny" he listed making me smile
"You forgot Percy" I giggled
"I know" he whispered evilly making me laugh
"My point is. You're houses and family might be different, but you've still got family and friends." He said

I nodded and we kept walking getting closer to his house as a gentle breeze began to blow hair into my face

"Im glad you like my house, you know" he suddenly said
"Why?" I blurted
"Because you mean a lot to me Hals, you''re my best friend. And I don't want to lose you" he said
"Awwww Freddie. That's so sweet" I chooed
"Yeah yeah, soppy stuff over now" he chuckled making me laugh

"And that's how you do a French plait" I finished Ginnys hair to show Molly for future reference
"Wonderful, thank you Hailey" she beamed at me
"No problem Molly, least I can do" I grinned
"Do you want to try do it yourself and I'll see if you can do it proper?" I asked
"Please yes, just to make sure" the eager woman nodded
"Okay, you take your time. You can get faster the more you do it" I smiled encouragingly at her

I watched her do the movements I'd just shown her, just as slow as I had done to show her
I corrected her a few times but she was mostly right

"SHOOT! SHOOT!" Bill shouted to me
I pulled my arm back and threw the quaffle as hard as I could through the lowest hoop
"YESSS!" I cheered for myself
"WE WON! WE WON!" Ginny flew to my side
Me, Ginny, Bill and George had been playing quidditch against Charlie, Ron, Fred and Arthur for the past hour
So I was finally dead
I hugged the young girl, the two of us giggling away
I looked over at Fred and saw him talking with his twin but his eyes were locked on me, when he realised I caught him staring he looked away making me smile at him


"Hailey, what does volcano lava taste like?" Fred whispered to me in the middle of the night
George just looked at us confused
"Hot molten lava has a unique taste." I answered quietly so we wouldn't wake anyone else up
"Okay" Fred nodded
"It is said to taste like extremely burnt marshmallows. It is also described by some as spicy. However, I would like to warn you if you consume lava you will die" I continued gaining breathy chuckles
"Okay got it. Got that one" Fred smiled
"Speaking of things that are ridiculously hot" I said
"Yeah?" Fred asked
"How you doing today sweet cakes?" I fake flirted but burst out laughing

"Merlin I love you sometimes" fred said and George moved his blanket over his head making me laugh harder

"If your leg got cut off would it hurt?" George asked
"Duh" I laughed
"How though? Where would you feel the pain?" He asked
"In your le-" Fred trailed off
"Exactly how you going to feel pain of your leg got cut off." George said "when it's gone" the two twins said and I had to stifle my laughs
"You'd feel the pain where your leg is gone. The part it's cut off from would be in pain. Also you could have imaginary limb syndrome. It's usual in veterans" I rambled sleepily
"Hailey" Fred said
"Uhuh?" I replied
"You know too much stuff" he said and I laughed
"Thanks, now I'm going to sleep cause I'm wrecked" I yawned sleepily
"Us too" George yawned


I walked into the tower wiping the blood off my hands. Pointless seeing as I was covered in blood
"What happened to you?" Steve asked
"Oh my god! Hailey are you okay?" Tony asked worried
"A little gambling is always fun when you're with me. Russian roulette is not the same without a gun and uncle when it's love if it's not rough it isn't fun" I said happily
"You're crazy" Natasha laughed
"You're just like me but crazier" Tony sighed and shook his head
"They started it" I pointed my thumbs at Bucky and Loki behind me

"Buck?" Steve asked the man
"She wanted to try it. And technically the blood wasn't from her, it was from Loki" Bucky explained
"Not entirely my fault. She wanted me to show her the best way to not miss a heart, something about potions" Loki said
"Hey! Snape is always on about finding hearts, if I need a dragon heart some day I need to know how to get it" I defended myself
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have sheep blood to get off" I said and walked to my room
"Your niece is a psycho" I heard Clint behind me
"She is a witch" Thor laughed

I chuckled too and closed the door

(Sorry it's so short)

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