The truth of the past

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"Hey" I greeted Harry as we meet in the common room
"Hi" he smiled weakly and began to walk to my uncles office
I've noticed ever since Fred, George and I have Harry the map he has been distant from me. Tony and Remus had both told me not to worry but what else am I supposed to do

"I'm sorry" Harry blurted as we walked
"What?" I asked the kid
"I'm sorry if I've been rude and not talking to you" he explained
"Oh, I was wondering why you were doing that..." I asked in a questioning tone
"When I went to Hogsmeade when you gave me the uh map, the minister was there with McGonagle and they were talking to Rosemerta" the black haired boy started
I didn't say anything and just let him speak
"And they were discussing my parents died. They said Sirius Black had betrayed them giving where we were hiding to Voldemort and killed Peter Petigrew. I was angry and I didn't talk to you, but it's not your fault." Harry rambled
I didn't say anything for real now, I was shocked. What am I supposed to say? He thinks my dad killed his parents, much like most adults
I sighed, offered my hand which Harry gladly took in his smaller one

"I know you won't believe me, nobody does, but I know my dad is innocent." I said and stopped him from saying anything
"I know there's evidence against him Harry, of course I do. But the night that....Voldemort killed your parents my dad hadn't left us, me and my mum. He left after one, and the nurses at St.Mungos said your parents died hours before that. I just, have this feeling that dad left to stop Peter, I never liked him." I said my theory
"My dad was a good man Harry. And if you want to hate him, that, is perfectly fine. The world took him accountable for your parents deaths, and yeah so you can hate him. And you can hate me for believing my dad is good but I don't care. I'm still here for ya Hazza" I pulled him into a side hug as we entered Remus's office
"I don't hate you. He's your father I can't hate you for believing. But hes the reason my parents are dead, so if I ever see him, I won't be nice" Harry said but I saw in his eyes he wanted to kill him. And I nodded with a sigh

I sat up on balcony with my legs dangling over the edge ready to watch
"Are you sure about this, Harry? This is very advanced magic... well beyond the Ordinary Wizarding Level." Remus asked the younger student
"I'm sure." Harry nodded and smiled at me as I waved
"Well, everything's prepared. The spell I'm going to teach you is called the Patronus Charm. Did you ever hear of it?" Remus asked
"Yea" I smirked
"Shush you. You're only here to watch" Remus chuckled. But Harry just shook his head no
"No? Well...A Patronus is a positive force. For the wizard who conjures one works like a shield, with the dementor feeding on it rather than him." Remus started to explain

"But in order for it to work, you need to think of a memory. Not just any memory, a very happy memory, a very powerful memory. Can you do this?" Remus asked
Harry simply nodded
"Yes. Very well. Close your eyes. Concentrate. Explore your past. Do you have a memory? Allow it to fill you up. Lose yourself within it. Then speak the incantation, Expecto Patronum." Remus instructed

"Expecto Patronum." Harry repeated
"Very good." Remus praised
"Shall we? Wand at the ready."

I tended up watching Remus unlock the box as a big fart flew out in the shape of a dementor and it went for Harry
"Expecto Patronum! Expecto... Expecto... Expect..." Harry tried to do the spell, but the poor kid fainted
"MOONY! Expects patronum!" I shouted standing up creating a quick barrier as remus properly fought the boggart back into its box and I ran to Harry

"Here we go. Come on. Sit up. Deep breaths. It's all right." I said comfortingly
"I didn't expect you to do it the first time. That would have been remarkable. Here, eat this. You'll feel better." Remus added
"That's one nasty dementor." Harry mumbled
"Oh, no, no, no. That was a boggart, Harry." Remus told him
"A boggart." Harry repeated confused
"The real thing would be worse. Much, much worse. As a matter of interest, what were you thinking? Which memory did you choose?" Remus asked as I helped Harry to his feet
"The first time I rode a broom." Harry answered
"That's not good enough. Not nearly good enough." I scolded.
"There's another. It's not happy, exactly. Well, it is. It's the happiest I've ever felt ...but it's complicated." Harry flicked the flame of a candle
"Is it strong?" Remus asked and Harry turned nodding
"Then let's give it a try. You feel ready?" I asked encouragingly
"Just do it." Harry pointed his wand forward and I stepped back

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