Chapter 35

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Riley walked out of the room, a frown on her face. Evelyn needed information from Eric that would be critical for them in defeating Jeanine. She knew they would use her to get that information. Still, it hurt. Eric's face was burned into her brain. The way he looked at her, the complete betrayal. At least with her, she always knew where his allegiance stood. "Riley, wait," Evelyn ran after her.

Against her better judgment, she stopped. "What?"

"I'm sorry," the woman rushed out. "If there were another way, I would have done it. We needed to know."

"I know," Riley believed her. But it wasn't easy. "I'm not mad. It was just hard."

"I know."

"There is still good in him." Evelyn needed to know that. Maybe it would persuade her decision when the usefulness of Eric was gone. "I know him. He has a heart. He's just a little lost."

"Maybe," Evelyn nodded. "But his loyalty to Jeanine will always be in question."

That was the response she feared. "Before you kill him, use the serum. Maybe it'll clue you in more on who he is, and he might have more information to offer."

"I've seen enough." Riley glanced away, "his loyalties to Jeanine may always be questionable. But not his loyalties for you."

"What do you mean?"

"I may have been an absent mother," Evelyn smiled sadly. "But I do care about you." Riley was slightly surprised at the revelation. "And I'm willing to think about other options, given he continues to help us."

That stunned Riley, and for the first time, she had hope. "Are you serious?"

"Absolutely," Evelyn promised her. "But I may need your help with him in the future. Is that something you're willing to do?"

"Yes," she rushed out. "Anything you need." If Evelyn was willing to keep him alive, Riley would do anything she needed. "I appreciate it."

"Of course." She took a hesitant step closer, "how's your stomach?"

Riley's fingers brushed the wound on her stomach, feeling a slight pain. Since getting the injury, she hadn't had a moment of rest. "Not too bad. I'm really just tired."

"Go get some rest. You need it."

"Thanks." Riley was starting to see a possible connection with her mother. She always dreamed of finding her but never thought it would happen. Evelyn died when she was a kid, but she is here now.


"You leave a lot of stuff out," Christina spoke. She was leaning against the door frame with crossed arms. However, there was a smile on her face. "First, I learn you're alive but injured. Next, I figure out you're Divergent, and now you were, in fact, sneaking around with Eric. And you didn't tell me?"

Riley groaned and sat up in the bed. Bonnie had changed her bandages a few minutes. She was taking a moment to enjoy the silence. "Sorry. I was kind of busy trying not to get killed by Jeanine."

"I'm not mad." Christina walked into the room and took a seat on the bed. "I'm just so happy you're alive."

"I'm happy you're alive," Riley crossed her legs. "I was so worried about you in Amity. We couldn't figure out where you were hiding. Candor makes sense." Christina was born into Candor, but that isn't who she was. She was Dauntless. There was no question about that.

"And," Christina tapped her leg. "You're related to Four. How could you not mention that?"

Riley smiled lazily, knowing this wasn't an interrogation. "He asked me not to."

"You don't look alike. I would never have guessed."

"I got that a lot growing up." Christina rolled her eyes. "It's really is nice to see you, Christina. I deeply missed you."

"I missed you too," she nudged her. "How was Amity?"

"I loved it," Riley cherished her time there. She did miss someone, Maddie. The young girl had wiggled her way into her heart in the short time they were there. Leaving her without a proper goodbye was had, but Riley had hope it was for the better. "I really fit in there."

"I knew you were Amity," Christina pointed at her. "You were always so kind. No wonder everyone liked you. It's hard not to."

That wasn't true. Christina was just sweet-talking her. "Hey," a deep voice said. The two girls turned around to see Tobias standing by the door. "Do you have a minute?"

"Yeah," Riley muttered.

Christina pushed up from the bed, smoothing out her shirt. "I'll see you later, Riley."

"Bye, Christina." The shorter girl moved around Tobias and disappeared from sight. "Hey."

"How are you feeling," Tobias asked as he approached the bed.

"Fine." That was a good word to describe how she felt. Not good, but not bad either. Entirely in the middle. She felt fine. "Evelyn thinks I need to rest."

"Well," he began. "At least she's right about one thing."

Riley knew how her brother felt about the woman. "She got useful information from Eric. I think it could be enough to make a difference."

"I know," Tobias angrily rubbed her hands together. "I told her not to use you in her game, but she didn't listen."

"Tobias," Riley grabbed his arm. "It's okay. We needed that information."

"And we could have gotten it," he argued with her. "Evelyn has the truth serum but specifically wanted to use you."

Riley stared at him, not sure what Tobias was saying. "What are you saying?"

"She's pulling a power move, Riley." He stood up, her hand falling to her side. "She wanted you to pick a side, her or him. And you just picked her." Riley wasn't sure what to make of the information. It never occurred to her that Evelyn was playing her. And if she was, Riley fell straight into her trap. "We may have sided with her, but we can't trust her."

"I can't believe she did that," she whispered. "I thought she cared about me. She even apologized after." Tobias sighed, "she said they had to."

"She's a pathological liar," he snapped. "And we can not trust her."

"You're right," Riley agreed. Evelyn couldn't be trusted, no matter how hard that was. All she ever wanted was a mother, but Evelyn gave that up the moment she faked her death.

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